Chapter One

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Herschel Shmoikel Pinchas Yerucham Krustofsky, also known by his shorter name Krusty, is the CEO of Krusty-Krusty Fast Food Corporation, one of the largest fast food conglomerates in the United States including fast food chains like Krusty Burger, Krusty Krab, MgRonalds, and McBurgertown. He is man in the clown makeup goes up to a podium in front of A press conference corps assembled in front of his office along with the company shareholders as he is about to announce something big. The cameras begin to roll and the pictures are taken.

"HEY! HEY!" Krusty shouts enthusiastically. "Krusty talking to ya! As CEO of Krusty-Krusty, I have always have stated that our mission is to create a collection of high quality fast food joints that serves food faster than our competitors". Krusty than goes off to showcase a picture of him in his younger years as the spokesperson of the new Krusty Burger of the 1970s.

"In fact, we have always sourced our products from American companies who have grown animals on American soil, we have always been transparent about our meat sources. But, we always make sure our meats our sourced in clean environments, and they do too". Krusty then walks up to another picture of him shaking hands with a business man near a farm.

"However, recently our company has gotten into a fight with our previous provider, Mustang Homestead Incorporated. basically, Mr. Roy Mustang demanded that we pay more than our fair share, and that is bad for our business". He proceeds to walk up another man wearing glasses with blue hair tied back to a ponytail.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, I am pleased to announce that we have made a new deal with Mr. Invel Yura of Spriggan Farms" Krusty announces. "He has agreed to provide the Krusty-Krusty Corporation and it's fast food chains more high quality meats, at half the cost of what Mustang Homestead was providing. Mr. Yura, won't you tell us how your meat products compare to other farms across America?" He asks. Invel just adjusts his glasses.

"What is to say, our livestock is raised with no hormones, no antibiotics, nothing special" Invel says in a stern and serious tone. "We only use feed we have grown on the same farm to our animals, but that doesn't mean we don't sell said produce to grocery stores and restaurants. Also, they are free to roam around cage free. We make sure that our products are top quality for our consumer, and it is the top priority of the company to make our meats as healthy for the consumer". He gives a serious smile. "I am happy to announce that our meats our 80% lean".

"Such beautiful words to hear" Krusty remarks as he goes up to a rope and two curtains. "So that is why I am also happy to announce that we will be introducing the lean Krusty Burger and it's sister burger, the lean Krabby Patty!". He unveils one of the curtains to reveal said lean products of both the Krusty Burger and the Krabby Patty, the press and the also present company shareholders were amazed at the new product. A couple of oohs and awes gets Krusty aroused.

"I am also proud to announce the comeback of the Mother Nature Burger, this time NOT made with Ogdenville Wheat-fed Barley, but with all natural produce from Spriggan Farms!". He pulls the rope again to unveil the comeback item that is the Mother Nature Burger. Krusty takes a good bite from both the Lean Krusty Burger and the Mother Nature Burger, after a good chew and a good swallow, he gives out a satisfied mmm sound and gives a thumbs up of approval. The press and his shareholders applaud in amazement.

A Moment Later...

The press and the shareholders left, leaving Krusty-Krusty Corporates CEO Krusty, CFO Eugene Krabs, and Spriggan Farms' CEO Invel Yura and CFO Brandish Malania. Eugene Krabs is an actual crab character in his usual buisness attire and Brandish is the only business woman there. In private, they all signed corporate contracts of mutual benefits.

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