Old History Part 2

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Kova opens her eyes and sighs. The big blankness that lingered in her mind made her frustrated. 'Who am i? Why am i here?' she finally fluffs her feathers and raises her wings that remain silent despite the metal hidden in her feathers. As she raised her wings and felt the sunlight on her back she could not enjoy it as a thought keep in her head. 'Who did this to me?' with every word she thought she felt desperation grasp her more. As she arrived at Lyze of queels nest she felt a sense of whoa as candle light fills the room. She sees a large book and walks over to examine it. As she flips through the pages every word gives her goosebumps. As she reads every page of history she feels more wise with the knowledge of the Battle of the Ice Claws. Suddenly the red, brown and white feathers of Lyze closed the book makeing her step back. As they look at each other Lyze gives her a crooked glance. "Your the owl that has no memory. Kova." She hesitates before nodding.

"I am."

"So what are you doing in my nest so late in the day? Hmm?" he ruffles his feathers. She sighs. 

"I couldn't sleep. I heard that you wrote the chronicles from Soren. I thought I would take a look."

"And what did you think? Not as glorious as you thought it would be?"

"No. It was better."She says keeping her stance but with respect for this wise owl. He looks her over and gives her a grin. "I like you. Come by whenever you like. The chronicles are for anyone with the gizard to read them."

She smiles as he walks back to his moss covered bed and goes back to bed. She touches the cover of the book and sighs happily. She goes back to the edge of Lyze's nest and spreads her wings. She falls before letting the wind catch under her wings. She coo's with how happy flying made her feel. She lands silently on the perch of the top of the Great tree and takes a giggly breath. "Wow, that sure is something." she says at the rush of flying. "I agree."  She turns to see Soren smiling at her as he stands next to her farther on the branch.

"It's a whole different thing to just fly. The sky surrounds you.. it's beautiful." she giggles as she closes her wings to let him sit closer to her, wich he dose. He smiles at her as he straightens himself. "What were you doing at Lyze of queel's nest?" he asked humbly as he rolls his strong shoulders.

 "Well, I took your advise and went to read the chronicles. Lyze says I can go read them whenever I like."

"Oh! Really?" Soren says as he squirms as if flattered that she listened to his advise. Kova laughs.


Soren just stares at her with a smile before responding. "You just.. have that affect on people."   they both smile at each other for a while before Kova takes a breath and ruffles her feathers with a yawn. "Well, um, im tired.. good night Soren."

She spreds her wings gracefully as she lets herself fall again and again lets the wind under her wings lift her up. She smiles as she sees Soren sitting on the branch while she circles back to her nest. As she lays back into her mossy bed she sighs and feels the sun shining in. As the light covers her silky feathers she lets herself fall into the peaceful blankets of sleep.

"How is this supposed to work?" Asked Nyra impatiently as her and Kludd studied metal talons that they gave to one of their bats. "Patience is key, Nyra. They should have gotten attatched to our little friend by now, and hopefully she will put the peices together to anact out plan." he snaps off the chain from the bats ankle and it screeches and flies off in response. Nyra smiles at her old pupil and new leader. "You've made the Pure ones proud." Kludd smirks and flies to Metal beaks old throne. "Yes, and soon the world will bow and the Great tree will fall."

"And it will."

Kludd looks out to the blood stained battle feild where many of Metal beaks owls died fighting for him. "And if we fail, we will try over, and over, and over again till we succeed!" he shouts, fire and hatred in his eyes as he thinks of his brother.

A sudden crowd has formed at the front of the Great tree as Kova makes her way through the crowd. "Soren?" she calls out as she sees his familiar white and tan feathers. As she gets to him he's looking down with a solem expression. "What happened?" 

"Kludd.." said Soren as Kova looked down. Laying there was a dead bat holding metal talons, scratches and blood all over the bat. As Soren's friends started talking with Soren, Kova slowly backed out of the crowd. She felt panic rise in her chest. She opened her wings and flew straight to her nest. As she stummbles into her nest she stops in her tracks. she slowly looks down as she raises her foot. She feels shock hit her as she's hit with a realization. The same paterns on her foot where on the metal talon. 'Who ever sent this.. they did this to me.' the name repeats inside her mind. Kludd. She practically shoots out of her nest as she flies to the nest of Lyze of queel. She goes straight to the chronicles and skims the pages for the name Kludd. Many times it mentions him with the pure ones when finally his defeat in the latest battle. The last battle... the words circle in her mind when she finally feels the anger build up inside her. Suddenly Lyze of queel flies into his nest.

"Ah, the historic prodigy has come back for more-?"

"Im sorry."

Before Lyze can ask why she interupted she grabed one of his iorn talons for battle and flew out of his nest. Lyze sighs with a heavy breath. "I've seen this one too many times..." Kova sliped the iorn onto her talons as she tightened it around her ankle while glanceing at her other already weaponized foot. This makes the feathers at the back of her neck ruffle in anger while sheathing her metal feathers. She flies out of her nest and as she starts over the ocean she looks back at the Great tree. 'Am i doing the right thing..? Yes, this needs to be done..." said a voice in the back of her mind as she started into the storm.

She get's to the outskirts of the battle feild. She looks around in awe as the pictures from the chronicles paint in her head. As the king luered out the gaurds and his men killed them off. She was were history took place. She shook her head, clearing it. "Focus.. I need to know..." As she landed down on the battle feild she feels overwhelmed familiarity that filled her with frustration. 

"Where are you!" She shouted into the space, her metal talons clicking against the stone.

"Right here.." said a voice that haunted her memory, though she could baraley reach it. she spun around, backing up as kludd missed her and landed on the stone hard battle feild. He spun around with a wicked smile on his face as they walked in a circle. "Your much harder to catch when your not unconscious."

"Tell me what happened! What did you do to me?!" She lunged at him as he flies up and scratches at her. She shoulders him hard in the stomach and he falls to the floor. As she sees him unconscious she gingerly walks over. Suddenly he gets up and swings his wing right into her gutt. She coughs as she hits the ground hard. Kludd steps on her back, digging a talon into a cut in her shoulder that she didn't know was there. She cries out in pain as Kludd smiles down at her confidently. "I control you. You're mine."

She spins, makeing the metal flash his eyes, pushing him off her back. Anger fills her eyes as she slashes at him with her razor sharp feathers. As he ducks she scratches at his throat. He then chuckles as he grabs her ankle and slams her to the ground. She cries out as she feels pain shoot up her body. She feels fear crawl up her spine as Kludd wraps his talons around her shoulder and leans down to whisper into her ear.

"You are gonna help me tear the Great tree apart.. along with my brother..."

One last thought enters her mind before she passes out. 'Brother..?'

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