They Say That Hair is Forever, Your Hair is All That I Need. ((Kellic oneshot))

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Victor Vincent Fuentes sat on his sofa lost in thought. He should be happy at this moment in time. One of his best friends, Kellin Quinn, was coming to visit him. He sighed, Kellin was only going to be here for two days and in the two days he had a huge decision to make. Vic had a deep, dark secret. He was in love with the lanky lead singer of Sleeping With Sirens, but no one knew.  He knew the fans paired he and Jaime up as a couple and sure, he had a fling or two with him, but when it came down to it, his heart was only meant for one person, that person being Kellin Quinn. He was so conflicted with emotion. Kellin was getting married to Katelynne for crying out loud! He remembered how his feelings started to grow for the other lead singer over Warped Tour and the Collide With The Sky Tour and how excited he was getting for Sound Wave in Australia. Vic loved everything about Kellin so much and the feeling was beginning to be something he could not cope with. There was  only one thing holding Vic back from telling Kellin everything about how he felt was the fact that he was going bald. Could Kellin accept him for who he was? Could anyone, really? Vic hated how the fans teased he and his younger brother Mike about the fact they were balding at such a young age. He and his brother both stuck to wearing hats to conceal the bald spots on their heads. Mike even shaved part of his head. It was just something that ran in the Fuentes family and they couldn't help it. Vic decided that if he could figure out of Kellin didn't care about the bald spot and the inevitable loss of all his hair, he'd tell him everything about how he felt.

Vic got up and grabbed his keys to go to the airport to get Kellin since his flight should be there soon. On the way there, he was still fretting what to do. He still had no idea what so ever. He figured it would just be best to stay silent on the matter and let things work themselves out, but all in all that can never  lead to a positive outcome for both parties involved. When he met Kellin at the airport he realized how happy Kellin made him. He was just glowing such happiness around him and it was rubbing off on Kellin, because he seemed to be in such a better mood than normal. Before heading back to the Pierce the Veil residence, Vic and Kellin both decided to stop somewhere for a bite to eat. They talked about loads of things and how they were looking forward to touring together again. 

"Sooner or later you're not going to be able to get rid of me!" Kellin laughed.

"Not that I would mind that..." Vic thought. 

After they had finished eating, Vic paid and they went to the house. Jaime, Tony, and Mike were all excited to see Kellin, but nothing could  compare to how happy Vic felt. He was so at peace other than the fact he still had yet to tell Kellin how he felt about him. While Kellin was talking with the others, Vic leaned against the door frame. Analyzing all the little details of Kellin he could. He was trying to create the perfect image of him in his mind just in case one day he was to lose him. That thought  ruined Vic's mood and he sighed and decided to just tell everyone he was heading up to his room because he was tired. They all just waved him off telling him to get some rest, that he looked miserable. 

That sad and pathetic look on Vic's face made Kellin worry. Vic seemed so happy earlier and then all of a sudden his mood changed and he blamed it on the fact he was tired. It was only seven in the evening, and most people  weren't tired at this time, especially Vic. He was surprised that the others hadn't asked him what was wrong, but maybe that hadn't seen him as happy as he was earlier.

"Don't worry about him," Mike said to Kellin. He had noticed Kellin's eyes wandering down the hall to Vic's bedroom door that was slightly ajar. 

They Say That Hair is Forever, Your Hair is All That I Need. ((Kellic oneshot))Where stories live. Discover now