Dear Diary~

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Chapter 1...


Dear Diary....Oh god, who uses "Dear Diary"? I'm just gonna introduce myself in this book just in case anyone finds it. My name is Mary-ann Wilson Turner, or Mary for short. I'm a 14 year old girl that has ocean blue eyes, long, black hair, with a dark aqua green plaid skirt that goes down to my feet, with a black sweater. A lot of people describe me as a beautiful young lady who has matters. I'm smart and stuff, and I guess I'm athletic. I sound like a total Mary-sue. But since this suppose to be a diary, let me tell you what happen today. I saw this gal I like today, but...How do I tell her I like- no, LOVE her? I never really had a crush on no one before. Like, NEVER. Why now, when I'm in highschool, the worst year of my life! I gotta calm down, having a crush is not so bad. Well, it can be bad when someone you love has a childhood friend and other girls that like her, but then I'm gonna have rivals and I have to murder them and hide the bodies and- and- ......Maybe I've been reading to many horror-romance novels....Wow, I'm sleepy. I'm gonna go to sleep, since I did start writing this at midnight.

.....Thank you for reading 💕

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