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JiSoo's POV

"Hey you", a random kid called me.

"Yes what do you want, little boy?", I asked him, ruffled his hair.

"Nothing, hyung. HAHAHAHAHA", the kid just laughed at me.

Yes. Many people from my neighborhood called me hyung and oppa just because of my appearance who look like a boy. I dont like wearing those high heels and some accessories that makes me uncomfortable.

My family? Nahh.. I lived by myself. My parents lived oversea because of their business. They doesnt care about people called me like im a boy and I dont have any siblings. How sad ㅠ-ㅠ Food? I can cook! Who cant? Cooking is the most simple thing to learn to.

But I am really thanked to this aunty who lived next to mine, Kang NaRae. She was a kind woman because shes really a cheerful person and we were really close but not her son.

Cho. Kyu. Hyun. I am seriously super duper hate him omg I dont know why he always disturbing me anytime anywhere and I just hate him very much. Just thinking about him already make my head hurts.

I immediately went home after bought some kitchen stuffs and took a quick bath. I was about to make dinner but then a heard a knock on the door.

"Who's there??", I hollered. But there's no answer.

Maybe just naughty kids. I thought.

But I got curious easily so I went to the door and I opened it.

"Oh annyeonghaseyo aunty ~", I surprised because its my only person that I closed with.

"Why are you here aunty?"

"I just want to give your favourite snacks for your dinner. Tteobbeokki. I made this by myself", she said while handed me the snacks.

"Omo aunty theres no need to give me any kind of food. I can cook them by myself. But in order not to disappointed you, I take it. Gumawo auntyy", I said smilingly.

"Take care JiSoo-yah.. goodnight"

"Nae ~"

I closed the door and smelled the snakcs. Hmm~ I just cant wait to eat all of youu hahahahahaha~ people might think that im crazy talking to these delicious food aigoo


I woke up easily because of my alarm. Urgh I hate Mondays. It makes me wanna puke to death. Monday means school. I have another reason why i hate school *sigh deeply*. So I took a bath and wore my school uniform.

I went to the kitchen and ate bread and nutella for breakfast. After breakfast, I was about to take my shoes but it wasnt there. I am sure that I put it on my shoe cupboard. Ok this is weird.

Ah! It must be kyu jerk hyun's doing. I really want to scream my lungs out urgh. So I wasted my time searching my only school shoe. A minute passed, I finally found it. But, aishh. It covered with fcking mud. I dont even know where these mud was coming from.


And guess what? I just wore my black sneakers and I hope someone doesnt notice them.

I have arrived at school at 7.29 am, just one minute before the lesson starts. Just then, someone asked me.

"Did the teacher give you permission to wear that sneakers?", he asked with loud voice just enough the whole class to hear it.


That annoying voice. Jisoo yah keep calm.

"Hey im asking you. Why dont you answer my question?", he kept asking me.

"I dont think I should answer your question, kyuhyun because you already know the reasons."

"Am I?"

"Yes you are", I answered his questions coldly.

"Am I?", he asked again.

"YES YOU ARE MISTER CHO KYUHYUN", I shouted near his face.

Wheres the teacher I dont want to fight with this jerk anymore.

"Yo calm down boy~", Namjoon, the class monitor told me. I glared at him.

"Watch what you say", I pointed at him.

I fast walked to the door but then I bumped to someone's chest.

I'm so doomed.

Its Lee MinSung, history teacher, the most strict and scary teacher ever in school's history (A/N: note the sarcasm ><). The students get scared easily with his cold stare.

"Why such in a hurry? EVERYBODT GET IN YOUR SEAT!!", the teacher just screamed near my head. I think my eardrum is not working anymore.

I rushed to my seat at the back of the class. I hope he didnt saw what I wore on my legs today.

"Okay class theres a new student today. Introduce yourself", the teacher told him.

New student? I looked at the newbie. O. M. G.


sorry for the bad cliffhanger :(

Hello guysss so this is my very first chapter and Im still afraid of my grammar ;-; I hope you guys can enjoyed it a little and im sorry if this fanfic doesnt match your taste or style or whatever and sorry if there any typo in it ><

And yes im a big fan of kyuhyun (after chen) so ive decided to make kyuhyun fanfiction *giggles*

till then byebyee ^^

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