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A week later

Taehyung gnawed on his bottom lip as he listened to the host program lady talking on the phone, nodding his head as he took everything in— even though she couldn't see him— and sighed softly when all the information of the program had been discussed, "Yes, thank you so much. I understand, thank you, again."

Jungkook poked his head in the kitchen, where Taehyung had taken the call, and slowly made his way over when the older had set his phone down on the counter, "hyung?"

The older quickly turned to face Jungkook, a small smile on his lips, "Hey, what's up?"

"Is everything okay?" Jungkook asked, scratching the back of his neck and walking over to his best friend, nervousness written all over his face.

"Yeah. Just... you know, the host program called. I have a year left here, you know. I'll finish my degree plan and move back to America with my mom," Taehyung smiled sadly. Even though he loved his mom more than anything he couldn't help but feel sad, he had to leave a lot of things behind, from friends to other little things he had picked up during his stay here.

"O-oh, right," Jungkook gulped, the sudden realization that a year had already gone by struck him, "What will you do back in America?" The younger asked softly, his emotions wanting to spiral out of control but he wanted to stay calm in front of his hyung.

"I guess the norm? Find a job? Move out when I have enough money?" Taehyung shrugged, the small smile he had turning into a sad one, "Something like that at least... hopefully." He chuckled dryly, sighing as he grabbed his phone and walked past Jungkook and to his room.

"Wait, Tae—" Jungkook quickly followed after the older, closing the door to the room and sitting on the bed, "So you'll just... stay in America with your mom even after the program is done?"

"Well, yeah?" Taehyung cocked his head to the side in confusion, "I don't see anything else to do, it's something I've expected to do I guess."

Jungkook's mood was changing instantly, his upbeat and happy aura changing to one of sadness and disappointment. He obviously didn't want the older to leave, the apartment would feel so empty, they had arranged the move in according to the program, something that was rare to do but not impossible. But the thing was how much the younger had grown to like Taehyung and fall for him, it was slow at first, spending time together everyday, becoming best friends, and then before he knew it he was practically in love.

So how could he live without the man he had fallen for? This was all too sudden, what would happen then? It almost made him want to break, tell Taehyung how he felt and what he wanted them to be but he kept quiet, glancing over at his best friend and shaking his head, "You know what? Let's not talk about this, yeah? Let's... let's watch Lilo and Stitch. We have nothing else to do anyways, right?"

Taehyung exhaled through his mouth, nodding at what Jungkook said and going over to his bed and laying down, the younger following suit and cuddling close to his best friend as he turned the tv on and picked the movie.

"I'm sorry for... ruining the mood," Taehyung said softly, a solemn look on his face as he wrapped his arm around Jungkook's waist.

"Sh, sh,sh," Jungkook shook his head, "I don't want to hear it, no apologies are needed. I know we will have to talk about it some other time, but for now... let's just enjoy each other's company and forget about that. You have a whole year, we can talk about it so much later, so let's keep it for then," The younger smiled sadly, playing the movie to shut Taehyung up in case he decided to say anything else about the matter.

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