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I made 2 chapters today... to make it up to you guys... see how much I luv' you all?? haha... never mind... I would just like to thank my cousin 'Bernard'  for making a fantastic cover for this novel... thanks couz'.. haha... I give you all my gratitude :)))) and to my friend who I dedicate this novel too... and to whom I named the lead character to... 'AYA' hope you're reading this... haha

ohhh... and sorry for he errors... i'm kind of rushed!! I'll change it when I find time...luv' you guys!! comment, vote or fan me?? haha it's my inspiration!!!

sincerely RiZz'♥


Ha! What kind of friends are they?

I still can’t believe how they let me go on full-battle unprepared. I made a full frenzied sound in the library out of my irritation that made the librarian shush me and student’s to look my way.

How embarrassing.

I must get out of here quickly before I melt out of humiliation. As I made my way through the door I bumped into Chiara friends.

“Look out dweeb.” She shouted annoyingly. I wanted to slap her and show her what happens when you pour down cold water on a wild cat, but ‘sorry’ is all I could say.

I’m so LAME. I wish I was Miranda.

I OBSERVE Jace as he run into the field. All the gods help me; he’s so dreamy I could just live here staring at him. I can’t believe that he knows me. Finally my sister has done something good for once other than mock me for my lack of fashion. However, the sad truth is, he would just know me as his ‘friends little sister’. I wouldn’t be anything to him other than that. Sure, he talks to me and makes a decent conversation but that is all we could ever get.

I wonder when he will notice me as a LADY that I am, not as a child.


I was hit by a ball on my head. How embarrassing. Whoever hit me will suffer… Jace reach me with a very diffident look…on the other hand, I changed my mind. You’re already forgiven because of your hotness.

“You okay?” He asked with a concern face, but still, his bad boy look has been outshining the concerned one.

“Uh-hu” I manage to pronounce. I must look really gawky. Then he left with a weird look on his bad-boy face.

My parents are going out for a week or two? Uh-oh.

This isn’t good. My sister was about to plan something unconceivable, and I wasn’t kidding. Just look at her face…pretty face… you might as well stamp on her forehead a ‘look at me, my parents are about to go and leave me and my petty little sister alone, so I’m gonna plan something evil and FUN…hahaha’ plate. Gosh! She’s as devious as my friends.

Moments later and I wasn’t wrong.

She threw a party, called her friends a while ago, and now they’re blasting a loud music. No matter how much I impede her plans she can’t be stopped.

Courtney might be…no erase that… IS an IRRESPONSIBLE BRAT, but I am a RESPONSIBLE daughter to my parents and I couldn’t afford to lose their trust, now that they finally decided that me and Courtney are old enough to stay on our own.

So… here I am… stopping people to ruin our house while she dances wildly with other people.

They are ignoring me. How was that? Soon, I gave up.

Miranda has been invited too… well… popular girl with popular boyfriend… that wasn’t new. Wow, she bring Jeanne, Steph, and Maggie. My ex-friends.

They noticed me and was about to get near me.

“hey, hey, hey, party lady” Say’s Steph lamely.

“You don’t seem to be enjoying yourself Aya.” Miranda is as concerned as ever.

“Miranda, these people looks up to you and Ares, can’t you ask them to leave now before any damage can be done and before my parents found out about my crazy sister’s havoc.” I pleaded to her. There might be a chance.

“Yeah! Don’t worry I’ll…” Jeanne cut her off.

“Ran, are you crazy? This is Aya’s chance to number 1. Have a social life… or… at least learn to have one, number 2. Get a boyfriend or attract Jace somehow.” Then her eyes points out Jace surrounded by a lot of giggly girls. O.M.G!!!

Jeanne saw my expression and realized that she has made her point to me. EVIDENTLLY.  She smiled and made her way through the crowds dragging Stephie, Miranda, Ares, and Maggie with her.

First, I refuse to flirt with him like what these girls do and Second, I’m still not gonna let these people trash out our house. But, I will get to Jace soon, just not this time.

I must find someone influential enough to stop this entire ruckus. But who? I scan the crowds and have not seen a significant soul who is close enough to help me with. My sister? Nahhh… she couldn’t care less if I was dying. Miranda? Ares? Nah… Jeanne stopped them to help me out.

So… that leaves Jace.

He talks to me. So I guess that counts as closeness.

I walk towards him nearly being squished by the sea of people. But then, managed to pop out ALIVE.

A while ago, I have experienced the most humiliating moment of my life. It’s so embarrassing that I feel bad just thinking about it. But, here’s a summary of what happened leaving out all the details.

I talked to him, but he doesn’t care which hurts the most than being betrayed by your so called friends and being wrestled to death by your own sister just because of a lipstick. He ignored me. Completely.

I now realized that I’m nothing to him other than someone to talk to when he’s waiting for my sister here in the house. I feel bad no… make that… terrible.

So… that’s just what I can tell. I HATE HIM. Just imagine you’re most embarrassing moment and double it!! See the picture?

For sure…tomorrow I would be the talk of the campus.

I now considered him as undesirable no. 1. HE’s no longer my soul-mate. He’s nothing but a gorgeous-stupid-user-jock. I hate him and I hate myself for wasting my years fantasizing about the moment when he would realize that I am the girl for her and not all those blond flirts in a super micro-mini skirts.

Now, I’m looking at the mirror. Looking at myself. My friends are right. I need to make myself beautiful. That would show them. That would show my sister and JACE and their FRIENDS. I would make them sorry for ignoring and humiliating me.

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