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       "Hello? Who is this?" It was my dads voice.
     "Hi dad," I replied "it's me. Harper. I'm calling from Noah's phone. I'm calling to tell you that I'm not okay, I don't feel well, and I'm going to be missing dance today."
      There was a long pause on the other end of the phone. Almost too long. I was about to ask if he's okay when he started yelling at me.
        I heard him sigh on the other line. His next words came out with poison in them.
       "Then why are you missing dance and why are you calling from your boyfriends phone?"
         "Because last night I crashed at Noah's because I almost got raped. I'm fi—" he cut me off.
          Great. How was I going to get out of this one.
        "Dad! I haven't even talked to mom yet! Let me call her. I'm not coming home. I hate it there! You guys may be divorced and live in different cities but once I come home you two always stay at the beach house and fight the entire time! I am sick of it! You guys act like children!"
         "Dad, let me call mom first. Please. But I don't want to come home. No way in hell."
          I heard him suck in a breath, prepared to argue further but somehow forgot what he was going to say.
         "Harper. Call your mother but you're coming home—"
          "You are coming home young lady. That's the end of it!"
            I ended the call. I was so pissed at dad. I refuse to go home. San Diego was a beautiful place when you don't have your divorced parents there. Maybe I'll try to stay with Noah's parents.
It was no secret that my parents and Noah's parents were rich. Noah's parents ran the largest company in the west. It was Clarke's Boating and Fishing Company. They sold fish to almost every restaurant in the Western United States and they rented boats for people who can't afford a boat.
           My parents tried to own Western Fashion. It didn't work out well for them because they got divorced over the company. Now, my dad runs West's Children Hospital because he got his medical degree when he went to college. My mother is the CFO of Disneyland. She's close enough to Anaheim that she just drives there from Orange.
             I called my mom, who was most likely at work. On the second time I tried calling her, she answered.
            "Hello?" I haven't heard that voice in a long time.
             "Hi mom. It's Harper calling from Noah's phone. I already called dad. I just wanted to let you know that I'm not going to be at dance today or for a few days because I don't feel great and I just want to relax. I nearly got raped last night and it's already being taken care of and Noah let me crash at his place last night because I didn't want to be alone. I'll tell you the same thing I told dad. I'm NOT pregnant!" I decided to talk fast so that mother couldn't argue with me.
            There was a long pause before I heard her talk.
            "Come home. Now. I need you here. I need you safe. You're never going to school in New York again."
              "Now" was all she said and then hung up. I hated them. I truly hated them.
             I sighed and flopped back on Noah's bed. I threw the phone across the room where Noah caught it. He dialed a number and went into the other room.
            I tried to make out what he was saying. I strained my ears to try to listen.
          "Elorie.... Dance class.... Going home.... She's fine.... Coach Kayla..... others on the phone..... Jane..... Madison..... Anna..... Rhyder.... Zane... traumatic..."
          He was totally talking to people from dance. I sighed and groaned.
          Noah came into the room after a few more minutes.
          "I talked to your friends, your coach, and your partners. You still have your spot on team and in the performance as long as you commit to practicing in California. You need to be back in a month or you'll forfeit your lead role to Jane. Now start packing your bags to go home. I'm going to make a quick phone call to my parents." He kissed me on the forehead and left the room one more time.

We landed in Wichita, Kansas for our connecting flight to San Diego. I've gotta say, I'm not fond of the mid west. It's so flat and boring. Like my sister, Lorelei. She is the essence of boring. I was a model back at home in junior high and high school, but she could never be one. She's 15 and she lives only with my dad. She looks nothing like me. She has dark brown hair, pale skin, and eyes so light blue, they're almost white. I know she sounds like she's gorgeous but I promise you, she's not. She has a horse face and a huge nose and thin lips. She refused to get braces, so her teeth are ultra crooked.
I got on the Delta Flight to San Diego with Noah. He was very anxious to get home.

I zoned out for the whole flight so it surprised me when Noah shook my shoulder to tell me we were home. I let out a groan.

I got my backpack and got off the plane. Noah took me to the luggage Carousel to get our checked luggage. There, we saw John, Karolyn, Oliver, Jess, and Chloe. Of course Noah's family was one big happy family but I got "warmly" greeted by my mom, my dad, Lorelei, Olyvia (same ages as Oliver. To the day), Emma, and Celeste. Yes. I only have sisters and yes, they hate me. Well, all except the twins, Emma and Celeste. They are both 13 years old and already models. They both have ice blue eyes, tan skin, and naturally sun bleached hair. They are identical twins. Olyvia has dark brown hair, sun kissed skin, and bright green eyes. I already described what Lorelei looks like.

John walked over to me and embraced me in a warm hug. I've always liked Noah's father more than my own. He smelled like sunscreen and Ralph Lauren. He somehow made those two smells compliment each other.

My dad walked up to us and took over the hug. It was more of a friendship hug and a pat on the back. He smelled like the office and his old man cologne. It was somehow comforting but painful at the same time.

I looked over to mom and saw that she was deep in conversation with Noah. Oh great, Noah will never be able to leave the conversation now.

I weaseled my way out of the painful hug with dad and walked over to mom and Noah. His eyes lit up when he saw me.

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