Skin tight clothes and a long walk

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It feels abnormal to be here: standing at the end of the road turning off to the Wayne manor. In not quite sure how Harley convinced me to come here, but I am.

"C'mon ladies let's go!" Harley cheers as we start to walk up the long road. Dressed to the nines walking up a long DIRT road. A gravely dirt road + high heals = Harleys sinse of intelligence. My feet hurt. Excuse me while I die or my feet fall off.

"We should be called sirens." Selina pipes up as i reluctantly follow behind them. It took us two trains and a long taxi ride just to come out to Bruce's estate. I can even begin to fathom why we're here. Plus having to where these stupid clothes is driving me up the wall. Harley has me shoved into one of her skin tight dresses that leaves nothing to the imagination. In pretty sure you can see my blood pulsing through my viens.

"Why sirens?" Harley questions looking confused at selina.

"Because they're badass. That's why!" Selina shouts matter-of-fact-ly.

"This have anything to do with Bruce studying mythology?" Pamela smirks clutching her designer handbag. Bruce has been studying mythology for about a month now and won't stop raving about it. I'm surprised I haven't picked up any of it. Some things you can ignore, am I right?

My shoes scuff against the gravel and I keep tripping over myself as the heels dig into the ground. Why did I do this? Honestly, I can't even think of a reason?... Oh wait.. LICORICE! It's my weakness.

As the view of the building becomes clearer I can finally see the manor's extravagant magnitude.


The music vibrates through the room, shaking the building at its core. The room is hot and humid as the crowds dances in a rhythmic fashion. The hot, sweaty bodies grinding and the seeping wet kisses the teens place on each other. It's sicking. I stand in the back of the room observing the strange ritual. I really don't understand parties, I never used to go to them. The idea of getting shit faced and grinding on strangers, like most people isn't exactly what I call a good time. Then again I'm not most people.

Harley has herself drapped upon jack as they 'dance' together. The smile on her lips is one I envy. I wish I could be as happy as her. Since my breakdown I've been a bit... off. I'm going to try and enjoy myself, I deserve it. A hand is laced around my wrist and tugs at me. I turn towards the person and look up at, I might add, a very tall girl of amazing beauty. Her green eyes are piercing and her brown hair is a marvel.

I stand in shock as I look up at her. Still. So. Short.

"You're Rosslyn right?" Her heavy accent is hard to understand.

"Yes, I'm Roselyn, why?" I try to retract my hand and leave the conversation as she is oddly close to me.

"Oh, I'm a Talia, friend of Banes and I wanted to talk to you about that stupid thing that happened this morning." Her tone softened and she smiled at me. I look around and see Harley sucking face with jack. I gotta get out of here.

"Okay, but how about we go somewhere else its a bit loud in here." I say trying to coax her to get away from that.


Even with the doors closed the music is still blaring even out by the pool. Bruce never told me he had a pool. Talia looks around the pool side and scopes out the place.

"So you wanted to-" the swift force of her hand hits me in the chest and I'm winded. I gasp for air as i clutch at my chest in surprise. She tricked me. Pfft, Bane cant even fight his own battles. Surprise surprise. Her fist uncuts and she hits me in the face sending me backwards into the pool and it goes dark. The last thing I feel is the coolness of water and a burning in my lungs.

Sorry I haven't updated in a while. I write clumps of chapters at a time and I'm trying to get them all in order to publish. Happy Easter if you celebrate it.

- Fancyblubz

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