The Battle of Cowshed

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I am proud of how my dear comrades have spread the word of my teachings which they call animalism. As I watch their actions, I see how it makes man and animals feel. While animals are filled with hope and spirit, man fears animals as animals had once feared humans. My comrades are succeeding in the mission I had left them of rebellion, and for this I am at peace. When the humans attacked to retake the farm, all animals fought valiantly with Snowball leading them by their side, however I do not understand why Napoleon was not seen fighting with his fellow comrades. Snowball has listened and done well, but does Napoleon not see himself as an equal to his brothers and sisters? After the battle when Boxer felt remorse for hurting a human, I initially thought that his remorse was ill placed. However when he said he did not want to cause harm regardless of if they were friend or enemy, this allowed me to see that perhaps violence is not necessary on all occasions. Perhaps animals could set themselves free, form their own nation, and be set apart from man. Leaving man to suffer in its own misery of their vices and hatred of one another, and animals to prosper in their equality and strength in one another. Either way, my comrades should be proud as I am for defending Animal Farm so well.

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