Izuku Midoriya🥦 [Alone in the Moonlight]

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Heya everyone,
This is my first story. We're starting of with our favorite broccoli boy: Izuku Midoriya😊

Deku: M-me!?
[A/N]: Yes, because everyone loves you...

Bakugo: I don't love him!
[A/N], Uraraka, Todo& Iida: Shut up Bakugo!!

Bakugo: *Sighs* Alright....
[Y/N] POV:

Today is finally the day.... We're having a sleepover with the entire class. Yay... *sigh*. It's not like I hate my class, but i would rather use my evening differently than with the whole class....

~Time skip~

I packed all my stuff i think. Let's see, pajamas, toothbrush, hairbrush, stuffed animal, yep all good. I know it's weird... A stuffed animal, how childish, but it's the only thing i have left from my parents.... They died in a car crash when i was five. Since then, i live with my brother: Nathan. "[Y/N], are you coming? It's almost 5 P.M."
"Yeah i'm coming...." "Don't be sad [Y/N]", Nathan says, "It's only one evening." "I know... but still, do i really have to go?" "Yes [Y/N], you have to. Come on, you don't want to separate yourself from the rest." "*Sigh* alright bro... Well, i'm going, bye Nathan." "Bye sis."

~Time skip again~

Well, here we are... Let's get this over with, i think before i go in. As soon as i walk into the room i hear: "Hey [Y/N], your finally here." I look up and see Mina running up to me. "Hey Mina..." I say. "Can you believe it, a sleepover with our class. I'm so excited!" "Yeah, i see..." I say with a fake smile on my face. "Come on, we have a separate sleeping place for the girls", Mina says, while she drags me to the other girls. "Hey [Y/N]", Momo says, as soon as I arrive at our sleeping place with Mina. "Hi girls", i say, still with a fake smile on my face.

~As soon as they finished unpacking~

"Now that everyone is here", Denki and Mina say, "it's time for a game! Let's play Truth or Dare!" Oh no, i hate these games! "I'll start", Uraraka says. "Iida, truth or dare?" "Truth." "Do you like someone in our class?" "No, i don't." It went on for a while, but then... It was Bakugo's turn. "[Y/N] truth or dare?" "Truth", i said. "Is it true that you still sleep with a stuffed animal?" Oh no... "Y-yes, that's true.." I say. "Omg, your such a loser. Who sleeps with a stuffed animal?" Bakugo shouted laughing, and others began to laugh too.... I felt the tears burning in my eyes.... Then suddenly Bakugou took my animal and shouted: "look how childish", and he tore it to pieces.... "No!" I shouted, but it was already too late.... "You monster! That was all I had left of my parents before they were run over to death!" I yelled.

I couldn't take it any longer and ran outside... "[Y/N] wait!" someone yelled, but i didn't care anymore. I ran and ran, until I got to the lake. I collapsed and started to cry. I don't know how long I've been there, but suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder and someone sat next to me. "[Y/N], i'm so sorry about your parents..." the person said. I looked up to see Midoriya sitting next to me.
"I-it's okay..." "If you ever want to talk about it, i'm always here for you." "Thank you Midoriya", I say blushing. "Come on, let's go back to the others", he says. He reached out and smiled, also blushing slightly.


Uraraka: Omg, that's so cute!!
Bakugo: Blegh, so romantic....
Uraraka: Shut up Bakugo!

[A/N]: Hey guys, so this is my first story. I hope you like it. If you read this,


I have no inspiration, so please send requests in the comments.

Bye for now☀️😊

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2020 ⏰

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