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In retrospect, getting completely wasted and drunkenly grinding against Brad, who was only known as my best friend to the other boys, was destined to arise some kind of problem. However this kind of problem was not something I expected at all.

The past few days had been unarguably terrible.

Admittedly, I didn't help by isolating myself in my room, but Brad said he wanted to be alone and as much as I wanted to explain and fix this, I knew I needed to give him time.

But how could I resolve this? What if Brad doesn't ever believe me? How could I possibly conquer something more truthful to prove it to him, than the truth?

"Lilly come on sweetie, you've been wrapped up in here for days." My dad scampered through my door cheerily, drawing back my curtains.

"I'd rather hybernate in my bed for a few more days thanks." I snapped, covering my blinded eyes from the sunlight.

"Should I send that friend of yours away then?"

"Which one?" I sighed. "The small one with blonde hair? Or either of the tall ones, one being pretty hench?"

Connor, James and Tristan had been content in visiting me over the last few days.

With guilt, I had mostly sent them home; excusing I was not in the mood for 'hanging out', or more like not in the mood for them quizzing me over Brad.

"The small one yes but the one with brown curly hair." he shrugged.

"What?" I gasped, my ice cream tub falling from my hands.

"Mhm." he rose an eyebrow.

"Hey." Bradley leant against the door frame.

"Brad." I whispered.

He hesitantly walked over to my bed, my dad sending me a wary nod before closing the door.

Aside from his normal clothes, the same styled curls and the doc martins lazily tied on his feet, he looked different. The smile that etched on his lips appeared forced, his eyes looked solemnly dull, dark circles rung underneath.

Never the less he still managed to look just as gorgeous in his what seemed restless state. God, he was so pretty.

We sat staring at each other for a minute, unsure of what to start with.

"I had to persuade your dad to let me in." he chucked awkwardly.

"He'll come around." I shook my head. "It's not you, it's teenage boys in general."

He nodded with a feeble smile, before silence rested upon us once again.

"How are you?" he fiddled with his fingers.

"Pretty shit to be honest."

"Same, to be honest." he met my eyes.

"I pushed him away Brad, I didn't do it." I mumbled, averting my eyes to the ground.

"I know that now, I'm so sorry Lilly." he frantically grasped my hand. "I was an idiot."

"You weren't an idiot Brad." I tenderly smiled, tightening my fingers around his.

"I was, Reece he-" he profusely shook his head. "he's good at getting in people's heads."

I knew someone quite similar.

"No it was my fault, I was wasted, it must of looked suspic-"

"Lill, don't." he rose his finger to my lips. "I'm the one that's apologising."

Wonderwall (Bradley Simpson/The Vamps fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now