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Nagito held your hand that whole day, score 1 I guess? Even though I'm pretty sure you're not keeping score, are you?

You kept twiddling you're thumbs during your 'lesson' you don't even know who your teacher is yet, but something bizarre happened today to you and your classmates, you were all chatting and chittering while you had nagito chatted about this bizzare week, you heard a small squeaky voice, huh? Confusing you all thought as a bunny teddy thingy popped out from the teachers podium 'hello there! My name is Usami! And I'm your teacher but also your cute little huggable one, don't forgot that!'

Then the little bunny disappeared leaving everybody in complete disbelief, huh, bizzare probably just their lack of sleep, I don't think they've found a bed or anything even thought hopes peek was supposed to have dorms? Nagito and you went searching for them, and found them! Yay he asked you a ground breaking question 'so you want to share a dorm?' He asked you, your face is as red as a tomato 'ummm, totally!' You reply, gonna be crazy! Your cheeks go all pink and you form a smile, he looks back, blushing, you both walk back to the others.

So you're telling me the bunny is our teacher? I wanted to come here for a human teacher.

The rest of the 'class' followed you both to the dorms and you and nagito held hands the whole time, score 2, oh wait I thought you weren't keeping score?

That night was the quietness it could have been, you and nagito snuggled up in the duvet as you heard a screech, you sprung up and nagito soon after you, both of you sweating 'Y/N did you hear that?' He said, you nod and both of you got out of the bed, he stood and stuck on his monkey slippers, holy shit the loud wail came back and you both storm out of the room to see a grieving Hiyoko, nagito taps on her shoulder

'He's dead! Gundham is dead!'

A loud gasp forms and you both try to calm her down, then nagito hugs her, you form with rage, clearly jealous, not you join the hug and the three of you try to figure out the situation, as you see that their was knife marks on his chest, 'ok now we need to find the weapon' nagito said.... you looked into his eyes, full of mystery. He looks into yours

Nagito's pov-

Y/N kept staring at me, I liked Y/G but I don't think Y/G likes me, :(...

Off of pov

You stared at him then he done something unexpected when you went back just about to go into the bed, he pinned you to the wall and kissed you... your cheeks nearly popped out of your face, he just kissed you, a billion questions flying around your head... what the-

You try to ask him but you fall to the floor in a daze...

You wake up in your bed with his arms around you... you blush harder than ever.... then you hug back and hear a squeaky voice again you jump out of the mattress to see Usami standing there.

'Hello little love birds, but sadly your love got you late to class! Your punishment is at 2pm.'

We both giggled as she walked off and just fell back asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2020 ⏰

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