Just A Little Something Else Instead

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(-this is mostly Steven's arc, most of it just involves what happens canonly..... But there are also things deeper you have to uncover for your other two mysterious characters, Shoutmon and Taiki-)

Yutakan's been pretty peaceful these past few months, ever since you sent Arnold and Florence to their homeland not much has been happening
But thats good! You've got some time to spend with your friends and family!

The townies are doing fine!
Raon's still a butt to you though...
Mr. Wright got pretty busy with cases even if most of the time it threaten his life....
Taiki is doing most of the quests...


Your other 2 close friends has been acting odd ...

Shoutmon isnt his usual self after Taiki showed up...he seems uncomfortable around that kid...
And after you found Steven going after a corrupted gem in the Forest of Hopes
He looks worried.... and its about you (-IM NOT SHIPPING THEM, if your OC is female-)

Its a little weird isnt it?

Shoutmon usually greets a new tamer with open arms! He did that to you, and from what you heard from the ters who came before you
He's the laidback type of person, what ever bullcrap you have he'll take it!....but now
He's acting a little jumpy and distant to others

Steven's the easy going, accepting, cheerful guy
Trying his best to atleast make someone crack a smile on their faces despite being in deeps***
But after you encountered him that time
He's almost the same.....
But recently he's been avoiding you...not that he doesn't like you (-like you as a friend-)
He's the same easy going person with others...
But not with you...

You wanted to know whats up with those two...
And then you came up with a plan....

A sleepover at their place
It seems harmless and all, y'know being friends and all...

But it also gives you a chance to dig up whats is going on with them

(-edit: this chapter is purely optional. You can skip over it-)

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