Nightmares (short)

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It was dark. Cramped yet wide, small but large, terrifying yet calming. I didn't understand why until I saw red. Then it spreaded all around the room- or area- I was in until I realized what it was. Fire. I was crying, scared. How could I not be I was only a baby. I was vurnalble as I couldn't leave on my own and the fire spread like the flu. I couldn't escape on my own and I could be easily forgotten. Then a burning cat ran and jumped on me and woke me up.

I was crying, balling my eyes out when my dad broke the door down and grabbed me, and whatever blankets and pillows where with me at the time. We rushed out of the burning building and I was still crying. We watched our house burning down while all the animals we owned escaped and ran off. Ambulance came and took us all to the hospital. Even tried to make us pay for the ambulance ride-seriously, you want us to pay for needing a ride to the hospital after almost dieing?!-I don't remember most of it and might of made this up but the main story stays the same. Even with same details changed, altered, deceived. The main  story still stayed the same. That story is that when I was a baby I was in a house fire, and almost died.

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