Naivety (short)

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T.W. Implied human trafficking and implied kidnapping, implied suicide note/letter

I was just walking home when it happened. My house is about two or three blocks away from the elementary school so on every Monday and Friday I can walk home because my parents have meetings on those days. It isn't uncommon for a friend of theirs to pick me up half way but I usually recognize them. I didn't know then but they knew both of my parents name and my name so I knew I could trust them. I hopped on the back seat and buckled myself in. I was looking out the window when it dawned on me that I've been in the car awhile and that I was wondering where we were going. I'm rarely outside so I wasn't sure where we are, my parents don't really trust that many people so u know that this person is trust worthy. My parents don't even trust me often so they're constantly over my shoulder and even though I may be young, it's stressful because what if I mess up and they hate me??
"Hey, do you want anything to eat? Ice cream? Brownies? Cookies?" The man asked warmly. I brighten at the thought of having sweets, doesn't happen often for me.
"Can I have a brookie? It's like a Mixture of a brownie and a cookie and it's really good! " I explain with a toothy smile. He chuckled slightly (looking back it seems forced, like he was faking every positive moment with me) and pulled over to a gas station.
"I'll see what they have and I'll get you what I can" He told me with a smile. (One that I thought could brighten a room but now I think could make the sun go away) The man left me in the car and entered the store. I smiled and fidgeted in my seat till I grabbing a book from my backpack. Today has been a good day! I thought, but I didn't realize at the time that it was only going to be worse when the days come to pass. Despite what that man seems now. He only wants to use me for some extra cash. And that's what's prompting this letter.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2020 ⏰

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