Part 1

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A disclaimer: I do not own anything DC or anything, I borrowed from other media.

Find someone, that you never have to apologize to

*Coast City in the afternoon*

Oliver and Thea arrived at Coast City after a road trip away from Starling City. The plans for the trip came to be after Oliver defeated Ra's al Ghul, and a heated argument transpires among Team Arrow. Diggle and Felicity were upset with Oliver for his decision to team up with Malcolm to stop Ra's plan of spreading a deadly virus as well as putting Diggle's family at risk. Oliver states that it wasn't about trust and reminds them that when it first started being a vigilante that they witness how he would do anything to save his city yet still chose to help him, so if anything, Oliver felt they should have trusted him. The exchange leads to both Diggle and Felicity leaving with Felicity and Ray reestablishing their relationship while Laurel chooses to stay on the team.

Due to Thea now resurrected by the Lazarus, Oliver decides to take a short trip out of Starling City to allow him and Thea some quality time with Laurel and Nyssa agreeing to watch over the city until they return and come up with a way for Oliver to being a vigilante.

As the two enjoy lunch together, Thea speaks up asking, "So how do you feel about everything that went down recently?"

Oliver looks up at her with a confused expression. "Don't we have this backward? You are the one that got killed and brought back to life, not to mention things not working out between you and Roy, so as your big brother, I suppose to make sure that you are okay."

"True, but you had a lot to deal with as well, if not more, from not only watching me die. On top of working with my so call dad who nearly got you killed because of me, being undercover as that Ras lackey, and things not working out with you and Felicity and Diggle leaving." Thea counters not letting her brother close out on her like in the past.

"Thea none of that was your fault all the blame goes to Malcolm, and I wouldn't change doing all that I did if it meant saving you and the city. I can understand Diggle not wanting his family harm. However, he should have known I would have blown my cover to make sure his family was not hurt. Besides, he and Felicity couldn't give me any alternatives to defeat Ra's, so yes, I had to go to those extreme measures." Oliver sighs before continuing.

"As far as me Felicity goes; I ultimately think it wouldn't work between us considering all the signs that were there. While the idea was nice in the beginning us not being together is for the best. Plus, she's better off with Ray."

Thea could tell that Oliver is serious about moving on from Felicity, which she couldn't precisely feel sad for the blonde tech wasn't her prefer choice for Ollie. All she wants is for Oliver to have that happiness he deserves if only the right person could bring him that.

"You deserve somebody too; maybe you could fix things with Laurel," Thea suggests lightly since she always liked the two together.

Sadly, Oliver shakes his head at the idea. "That's probably not a road she and I will cross again. True, she handled my decisions better than Felicity did, I caused enough damage with cheating on her with Sara, and I barely have a friendship with her right now. With that said, it might be a sign that I'm better off without a significant other."

Thea hates hearing those words concerning her brother though she could relate to his pain. "The same could be said about me." The thoughts or Roy enter her mind.

Oliver gently places his hand on top of hers for comfort. "You have a much better chance than me Speedy. Regardless I am here, and you won't have to worry about dealing with the effects of the pit alone, you know that right?"

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