ThE LaKe HoUsE

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ThE LaKe HoUsE

Chapter 1

Our Arrival

It was just a normal day me and my friendst were on are way to my parents lake house, an then every thing when wrong.

Chris's P.O.V

"Hey do you think that Kai is coming?" Excitement filled my voice.

"Naa, she has a family trip shes going to. But Emily's coming, she's in the other car," Chandler replied casually.

Chandler turned up the music and nodded his head to the beat. The song playing was Black Veil Brides, Knives and Pens. I wrinkled my nose in disgust at the screaming man.

"What the hell is this?" I yelled over the guitar and drums vibrating the car.

"It's my car. If you disagree you can walk!" He hissed and rolled down the window to Chandler's 2011 Ford, black, truck.

Once we reach a stop sign Chandler opened the back window. He smiled at everyone sitting with red solo cups in the tailgate Chandler again turned up the music and they all screamed and shouted in thrill with him. I rolled my eyes, I only came because Chandler pretty much forced me. I hated parties.

Chandlers appearance, socially, was the life of the party. He always had parties on Friday nights and girls with him on the weekends. I, Chris Goyle, spend my time doing useful things like, Studying for our exams and working hard for college! But no, Chris is the "goody two-shoes!"

Chandler swiped his long bangs to the side. His surfer style made me vomit. Chandler slapped his hand on the steering wheel to the beat, while I sat there looking out the window in sorrow.

Chandler reached for the knob and turned down the music. Thank GOD! "Chris, I am going to be nice to you tonight." Chandler smiled and rose an eyebrow.

"Is that so, how would you manage to do that?" I sneered. Last time he helped me we went to our county jail with spray paint in our hair. Long story.

"I will hook you up with Jennifer." Chandler made a sharp turn and pushed me to the left. I felt a smile swipe across my face. You had to admit I wasn't a bad looking guy, I could date Jennifer. Or hookup?

I could picture her now. Her long brown hair covering her breasts. Jennifer had dazzling green eyes and her large juicy big lips.

"Chris!" Chandler yelled cutting off my circulation to pleasure. I blinked and looked over at him in disapproval. "We're half a mile away, do you know who has the beer?" I was still dazed from my fantasies, I thought for a moment.

"It should be in Emily's car. At least that's were I think it is."

"Chris, if you forgot to pack the beer you can go walk the beer store five miles up the road to go by another keg." Chandler said in an annoyed voice

* 3 mintues later*

" Hey, where here." the minute the car stopped, Chris hopped out of the car. "alright so this is how we will do rooms girls go pick out your room you can have anyone but the master bed room, that's my room." All the girls squealed and ran inside the house giggling and laughing like idiots.

"So do i have room with your guys?" Chris asked stupidly. Why did I even invite him? Ugh. This is going to be a long spring break. I grabbed all of bags in one trip, I only had two bags anyways. But Chris was struggling to carry his only one. Before we got here all the girls convinced Chris to carry their bags inside too. What an idiot.

"Chris I should punch you for just saying that. Stupid, this is a 3 story lake house not including the basement." I groaned and walked towards the dark brown door of my huge lake house.

"Alright, Chris you get the bags and then Keg, Me, and Chandler will go help our lady friends." Jake smirked and we both walked inside.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2013 ⏰

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