Chapter 4: Picnic

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[The scene cuts to the afternoon, 2.30pm, when Nicole finishes her final report, signs off the computer and exits the office. After a while, she arrives home and parks the car. When she enters the house, she notices Richard watching television on the couch. He turns it off as he notices her too]

Richard: Hey honey! How was work?

Nicole: Quite all right, I guess. At least I didn't get annoyed or angry by anything today. I'm so glad we didn't have a meeting; I probably couldn't take that right now. [Puts her purse next to the couch]

But anyway, are the kids coming home by bus today or shall we pick them up?

Richard: They come home by themselves. They wanted to go to the store after school.

Nicole: The store? We've already got groceries.

Richard: Oh, they just went off to buy a 'little something', but I don't know what.

Nicole: Well, okay I guess. [Heads to the kitchen]

Richard: Also, honey, do you have any plans for the rest of the afternoon?

Nicole: No, but why do you ask? [Prepares a cup of tea]

Richard: Oh, nothin'. Well, we have a little surprise for you... kinda...

Nicole: [Her expression brightens up] Really? Ahww, that's so sweet! [Heads back to the living room with her tea]

Richard: The kids will be home soon... But, Nicole, have you been feeling all right today?

Nicole: What do you mean?

Richard: Well, you know, after all what happened...

Nicole: Oh yeah. I'm fine, dear. Nothing actually has been bad to me today so far. But- [Notices the bandage on Richard's shoulder that reveals the wound is still bleeding]

How do you feel? [Worried]

Richard: [Looks at his shoulder] It doesn't hurt that much anymore. It just won't stop bleeding...

Nicole: We'll have to take you to the doctor for that. Gosh, Richard, I am so sorry...

Richard: [Gets up from the couch and kisses Nicole] Honey, don't worry. Everything will be fine.

[They smile at each other and the kids then enter the house with some bags]

Anais: Hi Mom! Hi Dad!

Darwin: We got some stuff for the surprise, Mr. Dad!

Richard: I see, well good job! What about you three prepare the basket?

Gumball: We're on it!

[The kids go to the kitchen]

Nicole: Well, uhh... What's the surprise?

Richard: [Smiles] Be patient, honey. We won't tell you yet... Just get in the car and we'll be with you in a minute.

Nicole: Okayy...

[Nicole puts away her teacup and gets in the car. A few moments later, Richard and the kids join her with a basket. Richard starts the engine and they drive off]

Nicole: [Exited] Soo... are you gonna tell me now, or-?

Richard: Not yet... [Chuckles]

[Richard and the kids smirk at each other. Shortly after, they reach the park and Richard parks. The Wattersons get out of the car and all walk to a spot in the park, under a tree. Anais folds out a blanket and Gumball puts the basket onto it in the middle]

Nicole: A picnic?

Anais: Yes! We didn't want to prepare anything too complicated, but still wanted to have a nice family outing together.

Nicole: [Smiles] Well, that's super sweet of all of you! It's been quite a long time since I've done one of these.

Richard: [Pulls out a sandwich of the basket and leaves the lid open] Well, help yourself!

[They all enjoy their sandwiches and chat with each other. The scene now cuts to 4.00pm and the Wattersons gather their stuff to leave. When they sit in the car, Richard tries to reach for the door, but suddenly gets a harsh pain in his shoulder that makes him hesitate]

Nicole: Let me drive us home, dear. We'll make an appointment right away.

[Nicole and Richard change spot and Nicole starts the engine. When they arrive back home, Richard immediately goes upstairs to the bathroom to change his bandage. The sit down on the couch and Nicole calls for an appointment at the hospital. After a while, Nicole hangs up the phone]

Nicole: Well, kids, your father and I are going to see the doctor after dinner.

Anais: Can we come with you?

Nicole: Of course you can, but don't you prefer watching your shows?

Darwin: No, Mrs. Mom. We still are having family outings today, remember?

[Nicole smiles with tear up eyes and hugs the kids]

Gumball: [Notices his mother's tears] Are you okay, Mom?

Nicole: [Sniffs] I-it's just really nice to finally spend some good time together. With all the tension and stress, I sometimes forget how happy I am in this family.

Gumball: Of course, Mom! You're the best mom ever!

Darwin: We never want to lose you, Mrs. Mom!

Nicole: I'm just so sorry for scaring you all last times...

Anais: Mom! We understand. You always work so hard and take care of us. I really believe parenting is stressful, especially in your shoes.

Nicole: [Surprised and proud by hearing her four-year-old daughter speak those words] I... Thank you for your understanding. Just remember kids, whatever happens, I will always love you.

Gumball, Darwin & Anais:We love you, Mom!

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