Chapter 1: The Feast

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Lance waits at Allura's statue for everyone to arrive with a table with an array of food ready for the feast to celebrate Allura and her sacrifice for the universe. Soon, wormholes open up and everyone arrives and they talk a little and sit down at the table to start eating.

Shiro says, "Lance, where is Coran? I thought he was coming"

Lance remains silent as he picks at his food.

Keith puts a hand on Lance's shoulder, "Hey man, you ok? You seem quiet tonight."

Lance looks at Keith, "Oh, sorry, I'm just a little distracted is all"

"How come?" Pidge asks with concern.

Lance stays quiet and looks back down at his plate.

Shiro looks at Keith then back at Lance, "Lance, what's going on? You know you can tell us anything right?"

Lance nods, "Yeah, I do...Coran asked me to think about something today and I don't know if I can do it, especially without Allura."

"What did he ask?" Keith asks with curiosity and sympathy, knowing it's most likely something hard for him to think about.

Lance takes a deep breath, "He asked me to lead the Altean people...he believes I would be a natural at it but...I don't know, I always thought that if I did lead the Altean people it would be alongside Allura,"  he pauses for a moment, "But I also know Coran is struggling to stay afloat, he's an advisor, not a leader, and he admits that I just don't want to fail New Altea is all."

Shiro gives Lance a small but warming smile, "Lance you can do anything you can put your mind to, besides we are here to help you any way we can, and remember...Allura is here with all of us, she may not be here physically but she's in our hearts and won't ever leave us."

Lance smiles widely, "Thanks guys, I still need to think a little bit more but you guys have helped me a lot."

Coran arrives and takes a seat to join the others, "Sorry guys I had to do some stuff involving the school. They requested to have a playground installed but I can't figure out how to process it through so I'm putting it on hold till tomorrow."

"It's easy, you first have to approve the request, then work with the school and minor construction people to design a playground that is agreed upon by you and the school, get it budgeted to know how much money to give to the school for it to be done plus a little extra in case of complications and whatever is leftover can be used to purchase supplies for the school.", Lance says all of this and everyone else stares at him like he's crazy, "What? Do I have something in my teeth?" He grabs his spoon to look at his reflection.

After a moment Hunk speaks, "When did you get so smart?! I mean, the Lance we know wouldn't say anything that smart."

"I agree...Lance, why are you questioning yourself when your obviously a natural?" Keith says this with a smile and a look of disbelief.

Lance looks at Keith and then at everyone else around the table, "Alright," He looks at Coran, "I will give it greater thought but," he turns to Keith, "you have to consider leading the Galra."

Keith's eyes widen, " No, Lance you know why I said no to their offer."

Coran nods, "Yes, but I hear the offer still stands." Keith turns to Coran, "You had the same apprehensions before taking over as leader of Voltron. Both you and Lance are capable of amazing things and leading these people, but your both scared of admitting it. Now I know Lance has other hesitations as well but either way you both need to think about it. I'll give you Both a week." After a moment's hesitation, the two paladins nod in agreement.

The rest of the night was going smoothly, they caught each other up on what has been going on until out of nowhere something starts to fall from the sky towards the ground. As it gets closer they realize it's a person and run to the projected crash site. 

When they reached the crash site they see not one but two girls still alive but what's most unusual is they look like royalty and to Keith, they seemed strangely familiar.

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