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Jolie Hoang as Zoe

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Jolie Hoang as Zoe

Jenna Qureshi as Ish

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Jenna Qureshi as Ish

Tyler Sanders as Leo

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Tyler Sanders as Leo

Casey Simpson as Cody

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Casey Simpson as Cody

And Sydney Taylor as Erin

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And Sydney Taylor as Erin

Hey guys I hope you will like these characters I won't put the parents in because it will be more about the kids but I will put there names and if you watch just add magic you will know what they look like anyways comment down below if you have watch Just Add Magic Lost City! Also message me on Instagram for more ideas my username is @Pearl526 but hurry! If you like my books or chapters vote to let me know! Last but not least go check out my YouTube Channel it's call stranger things I think that's it for now see you guys in the next chapter!

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