Chapter 6 (Picture Of Shay)

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Illiana's P.O.V


Due to the fact that I won the SWC I was temporarily popular. Everyone was greeting me and congratulating me on my win. I went to class and my first class was math and unfortunately I was stuck Stephen was in the class. He sat at the back and like a typical good girl I sat right in the front.

I could feel his death glare burning through the back of my skull. My anxiety was next level. I've managed to stay off everyone's radar Shay was legit my only friend and we managed to keep our friendship exclusive and never rarely had beef with anyone. Well know we have beef with the most popular kid in school, and he seems to be out for blood.

Lunch came and as usual Shay and I sat at a table.

"Dude Saturday was insane." I said

"Yeah, I'm grounded for the whole wine thing" she said rolling her eyes.

"Shay I love you for defending me and all but the wine was a tad too much" I said.

"I know, I was just so pissed that he thought he could say something so rude and get away with it. I mean that was super personal and he has no idea what you've been dealing with." She said clearly still annoyed

I was going to comment but Mia caught my attention. She was walking towards us with her friend, they both placed their lunch trays on the table, opened there cokes. . . And poured it all over Shay and I. I stood there shocked.

"You bitches think cause you won a little competition that you could disrespect my boyfriend. . . Well let this be a lesson to you and all the other losers that we are not to be fucked with." She said.

Shay stood there in shock. I felt pure anger rush through as if my vains were a river of fire. I lifted my hand and with all the anger/strength I slapped her across her face.


She held her cheek surprised. Then she jumped me. I got to the top of her and kept punching mercilessly, I don't know if all that anger came from having a drink thrown on me, her boyfriend adding his two cents in my personal life or my family situation hell It might have been all of the above. Unlucky for her she was getting all of my anger. (I didn't even realize that Shay was fighting her friend).

The fight continue till Luca came pulling me off her, Stephen helped his girlfriend up and then had to hold her back.

She had a nasty scratch on her face (I did good) as she wiped the blood from her cheek she lost it again.

"YOU SCRATCHED MY FACE BITCH IMMA KILL YOU" She said trying to find away pass Stephen.


I looked at the table on my left side and decide that was the best way to get to her. I jumped on top of the chair, on to the table and superman punched her. . . Well actually it was more of a slap. Stephen then tackled me back toward the table were I hit my spine pretty hard I didn't feel anything though, all I could focus on was my target.

The teachers came pushing through the crowd.

"Enough!" Coach Miller yelled.

I stopped realizing how bad this situation was and how much shit I'm in. FUCK!

We were obviously sent to the principles office. We sat there right across from each other Shay, Luca, Thomas (one of Luca's friends) and I on one side Tiffany, Mia Stephen And James on the other. We were having a stare down.

"You losers will learn your place" Mia said.

"I really think you should get you scar checked out" I responded.

My mom came storming through the office door.

"A fight really?" My mom said.

I decided not to respond.

Shays fathers walked in and next came Mia and Tiffany's parents. The secretary then allowed us into the Principal's office.

"We do not tolerate violence of any kind in this school." Principal Hudgins started.

"These four ladies have never been a problem, I never expected them to get into any sort of altercation let alone a physical one" she continued.

"Tiffany, you can explain what happened , Illiana will explain, Mia will go next and then Shay." She instructed.

The school councillor walked in not a second later.

Tiffany began to tell some twisted version of the truth. She claimed that we went up to them and started arguing I kept quiet till she finished although the voice in my head was screaming all kinds of nasty things I really shouldn't say.

"Okay Illiana would you like to speak?" C.J (Councillor Jones) asked

"Yes, first of all that was a complete lie. This all started on Saturday Shay and I got into a disagreement with Stephen Stone. . ." I said before C.J interrupted me.

"Let me call Stephen" C.J Said walking out.

He returned shortly with Stephen and gave me a sign to continue.

"As I was saying this started On Saturday Shay and I got into a disagreement with Stephen Stone which lead to Shay pouring a glass of red wine on Stephen.

During lunch I was actually telling Shay that although she was trying to defend me it was very ill mannered and she agree. During this conversation Mia and Tiffany and threw a bottle of coke on each of. I then smacked Mia and the fight went on" I explained Emotionless.

"Stephen is this true." C.J Asked

"Sir I really don't know what transpired between them before the brawl but Shay did pour a glass of wine on me on Saturday. I obviously told my girlfriend in frustration" Stephen explained.

"Shay is there anything you would like to add?" C.J Asked

"Yeah. I would like to apologize to Stephen, that was uncalled for and idiotic" Shay Said.

"Mia?" C.J gestured.

"No." Mia responded bitterly.

"I don't think my daughter did anything wrong. All she did was defend her boyfriend" Mia's mom defended.

"Well you see ma'am she did assault one of these girls by throwing a bottle of cold drink On them. I honestly don't want to do this but due to the severity of the disagreement I think it's best we send the four girls home. They'll return next week Monday for a hearing." C.J informed us.

We all went our separate ways.

"Will you please get all the work Imma miss this week." I Asked Luca.

He nodded, he was clearly not caught off guard by the question.

"I'll come see you after school." He said kissing my forehead goodbye.

I got into the car and my mom began yelling.

"A fricken fight. . . I raised you better than this" she said.

"Oh is that what you call raising" I scoffed.

"No. . . We're not gonna flip the script you did something wrong" she scolded.

"No, No I didn't. I defended myself" I said.

"You're right the only reason there's a problem is cause of this ill-mannered girl Shay. I don't want to see you with that girl again." She scolded.

"Well then you should close your eyes cause I'm not going to drop my best friend who defended me tooth and nail." I said.

I then zoned my moms blabbering out. I was tired and emotionally drained from these last couple days. When we got home I went to my room set an alarm for 15:30 p.m and slept

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