Late Night Swim

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Just something short and sweet to hold you guys over...

The cool water felt exhilarating against your skin as it was a hot night in the middle of July. You slowly waded to the rim of the pool and looked up at the indigo sky filled with clusters of glowing stars and faint constellations. Your eyes then traveled to the waxing crescent moon in the center of the sky. It gleamed delicately in all its mysterious aura. You then felt a warm damp hand on your shoulder. You could feel him getting closer and closer until his entire body was pressed against your backside. He snuck his head into the crook of your neck and wrapped his arms around you from behind. You both rocked nonchalantly, from side to side, as one. He hummed a little tune into your ear and your heart fluttered at the love that radiated from himself. You tilted your head back and he began to kiss your neck. His kisses tuning into gentle sucks which would be sure to leave a mahogany tinted hickey. The wet sounds melding with the light splashing of the water could be heard through the otherwise silent air. He lightly bit your skin causing a whimper to be forced out of you. 

 One of his hands traveled down to your stomach and tickled you in small, circular motions. You giggled a little and could feel him smile against your neck. His hand lowered and lowered until he was touching your bikini bottoms. You felt a little light-headed as you anticipated what he might do next. The bikini you wore had strings on both sides. So with one tug, they'd be off and done. And that's exactly what he did. 

The water felt cold against your pussy that was once covered in a thick layer of fabric. A feeling of paranoia crept upon you, but you were a little reassured when you remembered you were in Michael's private pool, in his safe Neverland Ranch. The security staff may catch a glimpse on the security cameras but Michael would be sure to talk with them later. As to hush yourself, you bit your lip when you felt Michael's fingers caressing you down there.

As a warning, he cupped one of your breasts and gave it a very firm squeeze that and you gasp. You'd very quickly learn to not hold back around him. Although you were under the water, your intense arousal made itself known from the heat that radiated from between your legs. All of a sudden, you were turned around towards him. He had disappeared down into the water. You looked around and were caught off guard when you felt him grasp your thigh and lick your pussy as best he could below the surface. He seemed to struggle a little, but yet you were still left trembling and speechless. When he came back up he took a deep breath and came back towards you holding onto the edge of the pool. He once again pressed himself against you, although this time, from the front.

"You gonna cum for me?" He whispers huskily into your ear.

You nod feverishly, not wanting it to stop. You felt him rub you again and this time he glid two fingers inside of you, with his thumb steady on your sensitive pearl. You shut your eyes tight as he curled his digits perfectly. Your peak so close, yet it only kept growing. And then, it hit you like a bus. Hot, wet, numbing, and compelling you to moan out for the world to hear, you fell like putty into his arms. His solid member nudging at your hip beneath the water. For, he was just as turned on as you. But, that's something that you would take care of later, for you were his topmost priority.

Part 2?


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