30 Days Of Cottagecore

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Hi I thought I was gonna them one at a time but I'll just do them all at once
Feel free to do it as well and tag me in it :)

Hi I thought I was gonna them one at a time but I'll just do them all at once Feel free to do it as well and tag me in it :)

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1: Do you like baking?
-Yeah I like baking if I get the time and energy;I really want to do it more often

2.thoughts on highland cows/cows in general?
-I love cows they're so sweet :)

3. Have you gone on a picnic recently? If so, with who and when?
-I've actually never gone on a picnic! I really want to but mosquitoes are crazy here and I've never had the time to find someone who'd want to with me :/

4. Fluffy blankets or quilts?
-Fluffy blankets :) i really do like quilts tho they remind me of my grandma

5. Do you like farmer's markets?
-I absolutely adore them! I haven't gone in a long time since I can't really get transportation to one that often anymore but I really wanna start going again

6. Thoughts on berry picking?
- it sounds fun but I've never gone tbh

7. Do you partake in farmcore?
-not really, I'm more of a cottagecore/goblincore kinda person :)

8. Do you have/want a garden?
-I don't have one but I sure would like to! I live in an apartment so im not allowed to plant stuff here but when I move out I'd want to have one one day :)

9.Do you enjoy baking?
-it's pretty fun when I get the chance to do it, especially if I get to give it to someone after

10.Other than cottagecore,what do you partake in?
-I really like goblincore! I find it really calming for me,the person who collects an absurd amount of things lol

11. Abandoned mansions/castles or cottages?
-cottages :) the feeling of living in an abandoned castle (especially if it's big) freaks me out a little bit

12. Pie or bread?
-Pie! It's like bread but you put fruit in it :)

13. What's your favorite part about the cottagecore community?
-I love the positivity and serenity around it
It helps me feel a lot better when I'm sad or lonely and it helps me feel like a beautiful person when I need it :)

14. What's a song that reminds you of cottagecore?
-either Constellations by The Oh Hellos or I Have Friends In Holy Spaces by Panic! At The Disco
I have a whole playlist for goblincore/cottagecore if y'all want to hear about it

15. Are you a cottage goblin?
Absolutely! I think that'd be the best way to describe me tbh

16. Would you ever want to own a farm?
Not really tbh even though I love animals to the ends of the earth and back it's a ton of work and I can barely clean my room lmao

17. What's your favorite farm animal?
-I love ducks and chickens! Birds have always fascinated me

18. Would you ever want to actually live in a cottage?
-yeah I sure hope I do in the future

19. What's your favorite activity related to cottagecore?
-picking flowers :) I also really like just being outside on a nice day and looking at nature

20. Sunsets or sunrises?
- sunsets :) I'm a night owl so it's easier for me to stay up late and see the sunset than it is for me to get up early enough for me to see the sunrise
Also I can't see the sunrise from my window since it faces the west

21. Do you like  flower crowns?
-I love them :) I have one and hope to get more eventually

22. Cows or sheep?
-Sheep :) they fluffy

23. Overalls or dresses?
-Honestly I can't decide! I'm genderfluid so its not a matter of which I feel most comfortable in; i would probably say dresses if I had to pick one since I have more of those

24. Lake picnics or stargazing?
-Stargazing :) I love the stars so much 

25.flowers or mushrooms?
-Flowers 🌸 I love smelling flowers

26. Open fields or flower gardens?
-I like open fields better since it's harder for me to step on a flower

27. Do you paint?
-yeah I do, but mostly watercolor in my sketchbook

28.do you also partake in grandparentcore?
-I actually had no clue that existed

29. What's your favorite kind of tea?
- blueberry flavored green tea :) but I do need to try chamomile tea at some point

30. Describe you ideal cottagecore inspired date.
-okay so we'd go on a picnic and lay in the grass for a while while looking at clouds and then we'd go flower picking and put them in each other's hair
Then we'd go shopping and then scrapbook at my house

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