Looking at life differently.

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I've been feeling like absolute garbage lately,so I've decided to come up with a different way to look at life to make me feel better, and you might be able to benefit from this too.

You are the main character in your life. This is your story. You control what you do. Do good things.

Things that have happened in the past(like trauma) have happened, and it's hard to forget that,but it doesn't have to control you now.

You are a new you every day, and new you can make things better.

Pain is fleeting. The future is bright, no matter how dark the present is.

You are the most important person to yourself. Take care of yourself,don't neglect yourself to take care of someone else. Make sure you're okay before you help others.

You can overcome anything that comes your way. Some mountains are higher than others,and it might be harder to climb, but there's another side to all of them.

Don't forget that people care about you. You matter.

People who aren't good for you or your health don't belong in your story. If your story is getting worse because of this person/factor, cut it out as much as you can. If it's a parent, spend as much time away from them as possible. You'll get to move out one day,and that day will be great.

You have a purpose. Find it. Maybe it'll find you.

There's someone for you out there. Don't worry,the universe won't leave you alone for much longer.

Food is good for you. It might be hard to eat it sometimes, but it's necessary to keep writing your story.

Take care of yourself as much as you can. Whether that be washing your face or just getting up and eating a waffle, do as much as you can to feel better. Starting is the hardest part,but it gets easier.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2020 ⏰

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