Shut It

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The night was like the other night in the past few weeks: biting cold with occasional wind. Most of the battalion officers were down at the Battalion HQ, along with all the commanders. It wasn't the best place to be, I had to admit, but it was certainly better than those foxholes the men had dug up and occupied since our arrival in this woods.

I was sitting on a giant log; it probably fell down during one of the artillery barrages. I clasped my hands very tightly and rubbed them harshly, trying to produce even the slightest warmth to help me cope with the cold. I put my gun on the side, but I was careful to put it as closest as possible. My eyes wandered around a bit, trying to see if anyone was outside their foxhole, but apparently I was alone.

"There she is," said a very familiar voice which was suddenly next to me. I didn't need to turn to see that it was Lewis.

I looked up and raised my eyebrows. He should've been on the Regimental HQ right now.

"Got something for you," he said while showing me a paper-covered package which did not look like anything under this very minimum light.

"What's that?" I gritted my teeth when a gush of wind suddenly blew.

"A wool coat."


He looked away for a moment before explaining. "Some supplies were dropped at the Regimental about an hour ago, and I was able to catch this one for you before other officers take them all out."

I squinted. "It's yours, isn't it?"

"Well," he huffed. "Practically, no. I haven't worn it – I haven't even opened it."

I looked at him for a moment and then glanced at the package he was still holding. "You're just as freezing, Lew. I'm okay," I smiled a little and nodded.

He exhaled loudly and a white smoke came out from his mouth. "Why are you even here?"

I frowned deeply. "Where should I be?"

"They're serving unlimited amount of hot coffee and some hot chows back at the Regimental HQ. We can walk there and get some."

I chuckled lightly. "I already had some decent hot food from Battalion HQ half an hour ago. Thanks for the offer though."

"I know you'll refuse," he mumbled while rolling his eyes. He then ripped open the paper that wrapped the package and pulled out the coat inside. He unbuttoned it and put it on my back.

I glanced at the warm coat. "But Lewis, you're just as cold. I'm fine."

He forcefully shut his eyes and huffed loudly. "Just for this once, stop arguing with me."

I studied his face and decided that there would be no use debating him right now, so I said instead, "Thanks."

He smiled his million-dollar smile, but his eyes looked very weary, and I could feel why. All of us here were very exhausted, both mentally and physically. And though Lewis was one of the regimental officers, he spent most of his time around the men in the frontline. It was only natural if he was as distressed as the rest of us.

"Why don't you... why don't you sit with me for a while?" Those words came out of my mouth unfiltered. Dang, I thought. Let's hope he didn't hear it.

But he did, and he grinned immediately upon hearing my words. "You know I can never say no to that." He walked around and took a seat next to me.

I could feel his eyes studying my figure. I suppressed a shiver that threatened to appear – I didn't need him to forcefully drag me back to the Regimental HQ to have that hot chows. I was okay; I was just freezing, and so was everybody else.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2020 ⏰

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