chapter twelve

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He hadn't changed in the last near decade since their parting of ways. His chocolate colored fluff still perking up like he was ages ago. "Ji Ji, our paths have crossed once more!" Jaki exclaimed as he hugged him. "Jak, what are you doing at this hoo-ha? it's full of illegal substances and bad music." The sergal explained everything to his augudner friend as they caught up on what happen in the last nine years since they left Lonn-Sodd. Jaki was living comfortably in Gold Ring working for the Department of Chemical Research, he was working on his seminar lecture to the official on a new form of refining zess. "What have you been up to Ji Ji?" The augudner leans of him. " I helped Shigu create missiles, lots of them." He looks on at the stage guilty that he might be held responsible for the death of millions. That his name will go up in infamy for the sergal that ended all of mankind, the destroyer of worlds.

"Honeslty whatever happened to your dream? The one you told me of in your telegrams to me." Ji Ji took a long sigh as he gets up and goes to his car. "Honestly i feel like this dream is a bit weary, i have nobody to help my work on this. I really could use some help." The augudner agrees to help him on his dream, they promised to call on the phone tomorrow. JiJi drives home, the sky ablaze with many stars. On clear nights he could spot the millions of globular clusters and constellations that dotted the night sky. Sometimes Ji Ji likes to drive his car with the hood down feeling the cool wind blow through his fur and admire the glimmer of the night sky. "The stars are calling, yet i have so many miles to go before i can reach them." Ji Ji thought as he drove back to his sister's home to deliver Ojo to her, his nephew was knocked out cold from the amount of spice that was flowing through his bloodstream.

Ji Ji returned home after some solom good nights and a hug from his sister. He turned off his headlights as the world was plunged into darkness, only the glows of the gas lamps and the glimmers of the few houses around his neighborhood. It looked like the stars and the lights here were one in the same. He returned home and turned on a large box in his home as a monochrome picture danced among the glass face of the box. Ji Ji turned up the gain on one of the knobs of the machine and the room filled with the sound of a news anchor covering the problem in Reono about a missile test on the boarders. 

"As of now, the nuclear powers of Reono and Shigu in their ever-mounting tensions of a possible nuclear holocaust that might wipe out all life on Tal." The screen fades to footage of SG-22-33 Antinuclear strike missiles being raised out of their silos. The news reporter's voice resumes throughout the raising of the missiles as crews scramble as black specks on the TV. "As you can see the SNSDC has been constructing new antinuclear missiles to defend the capital from ICBMs from the Reono nation."


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JiJi wasn't going to have it, the fact that his findings being used for military purpose was sickening as heck. "I hope Jaki was right, that he'll help me when necessary."

The next morning he wakes to a ring on the doorbell as a little yellow paper was slipped under his door, he picks it up. It was a telegram written from his friend he reunited with yesterday. " when do you want to come over to gold ring? I have plenty of resources to work on a rocket engines if you want."

He smiles at the idea of building another one, this time without any government interference whatsoever. What luck, unless he can bring the concept of space travel back into the world. He knew he was on his way to gold ring, the beautiful land of culture.

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