The Old Cities..

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 There was once a time that people didn't live in places that seemed so mystical and had trees growing everywhere.. There was a time where people were dying and afraid of what would happen to the World. People were always fearing someone or something instead of blaming it on multiple sources that were connected and couldn't be stopped. They wanted to be able to fight something that couldn't be fought. T-T-T- 

 A projector currently laying a screen of pure white was now sitting there as the disc started to repeat itself and break apart. The projector closed itself and lights were turned back on in the large room currently full of people in chairs all in a sitting half circle facing a large stage. With each row the chairs would go higher for people to see, they weren't floating on their own, with small cloud like things holding them up creating pathways. The stage was large and a clean light grey color, very elegant and had a soft blur glow to it. A man walked out onto the stage and flicked his hand letting the old device settle away pushing itself to back stage as he stood tall at the podium created with flurries of a dark blue mist that sparkled itself s the lights turned on above the stage.

   "We are unfortunately having some technically difficulties at the moment, the device was old anyway, we weren't counting on it to work." The man stood tall and intimidating, even for the people at the top rows. He had a clear voice that was fluent for anyone to hear, his attire matched what everyone was hearing. A plain blur shirt with a tie, a jacket over the outfit wit small embedding on it with a logo, behind the podium no one can see under his waist. 

  "Years ago," He continued quickly with a flick of his wrist creating a show of different shapes that created something of a picture that slowly formed a city with smoke everywhere and chaos, then he continued once more, "People didn't know magic existed and they went on with life as if it didn't, their world was falling apart as they were letting their Earth die out." He paused as the magic made screen started to change again into the world that they know now. Giant trees with cities laying in them and through them, the trees towering hundreds of feet tall with building hanging down off them and sticking out of them. Most buildings were on the ground in the shade of these giants.

   "Now we use magic in our everyday lives, we used it years ago to fix the Earth and help us survive and heal the things around us." The screen changed again to multiple silhouettes, they weren't the clearest pictures but easy enough to see they were humanoid enough. 

   "In our recent discovers, we have found these creatures on camera. It seems like no one is able to see them without a camera yet, though we do have our suspicions on whether or not some people may be genetically capable of-" He was cut off by a bell ringing quite rudely, the screen of magic flashed off with the shock of the bell. The students at this college grabbed their bags and waved goodbye to the group of workers who volunteered to visit the college. They all started to pack up except the one who was talking, he tried to see if he could speak more but was stopped by a student who seemed especially preppy.

  "It's gonna be okay Lo, I'm sure they were just as interested as you were!" A slightly younger sounding voice came from behind of Logan allowing him to stop his attempts.

 "I know Patton, thank you for saying. I just was hoping for some extra time here." Logan sighed as he started to pack up his own work.
 "There's always the next batch of kids! I'm sure if you don't use the projector this time you'll get through with it!" The wildly excited Patton exclaimed trying to encourage his teaching friend. As the day went on Logan found himself being able to finish the studies much quicker using some shorter techniques and allowing the students access to their own magic to help create their own images, of course some of them were unwilling to cooperate, but they were just denied magic usage in the room. As the day started to finish the room was darkened as lights went out and everyone emptied it leaving nothing but silence... Then-

   Footsteps erupted from the back of the stage and into the center stage leaving no sound behind them as they vanished into a black mist and slipped out a window left open. The room was engulfed in silence once more as security guards slowly crept looking for something, or someone, though only hearing the bustling of people down on the ground below the room in this tree... A howling of laughter was nothing but a distant whisper as the moon set fully risen in the sky above..

  The sun slowly rose as the night sky passed and faded leaving a brightly colored sunrise on the trees creating a scene with the fires in the night going out of their glass containers that were used to help people navigate down on the ground during night. Roman Furthermore lived in the small village in what is known as the Northern Critters. It was dubbed this after cottages made into a large village with a lake flowing through it were made and small creatures, both normal and genetically reformed from magic over the years, came to hang out. It was in a part of a forest that had much smaller trees than the other large nearby cities, the highest going up to fifty or so feet. 

 Roman Furthermore was a known performer who used his magic to entrance the audience and make a enjoyable experience for both them and himself, he was known in his small town as a street performer, but finally, he was going to go to the big city nearby and become an even better performer than he already was. That was.. Until he heard a knock at his door at only ten in the morning. He smiled and walked over to the door expecting it to be a friend saying goodbye or maybe even someone selling something..

   "Well hello- Oh my gosh!" He was not expecting who he saw when he opened the door.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2020 ⏰

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