2V2 Reach&Arch V Wars&Jaxx

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The four of us have a meme battle with npc lines in the orientation of the meme straight outta cyrodiil

Wars: Stop! You've violated the law!
Reach: It's been too long since I've seen a good brawl!
Jaxx: I'm just warming up!
Arch: you pathetic worm HURRR! REMEMBER THE EMPEROR!

Reach: You dare attack me?
Wars: I'm warning you!
Arch: Show me what you've got! Jaxx: That the best you can do?
Wars: Can't you settle this peacefully?
Arch: You elves are all the same, All flash, no fury!
Reach: (in a mocking tone) Guards! GUARDS! Someone's being attacked! HEY!

Jaxx: Are you some kinda... maniac?
Arch: This is the part WHERE YOU BLEED TO DEATH!
Wars: It's over lawbreaker! You're under arrest!
Reach: You'll make a fine pair of boots!
Wras: By the gods! There's a psychopath on the loose!
Arch: I've fought mudcrabs more fearsome than you!
Reach: You dare oppose the might of me

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