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Strawberry Jelly whined as they sat around the meeting room impatiently. The twelve had all been selected to be a part of JYPE's next survival show but that was the extent of what they knew. They were all called to the meeting room to discuss what was going to happen on the show but the silence was suffocating and tensions were high.

Rainbow Sherbet, Snickerdoodle and Chocolate Pudding were playing rock paper scissors while they were waiting and flicked the loser on the head whenever they lost. A slightly sadistic game but it was one way to entertain themselves.

Black Forest Cake and Blackberry Pie were conversing casually. They had gone to the cafe to pick up drinks ahead of time so them and the others would have a little energy boost in case they needed it. Black Forest Cake was doing his best to convince Blackberry Pie not to drink any of the coffee so he wouldn't crash later while Tiramisu was sneakily trying to steal a sip, since his own drink was empty.

Glazed Doughnut and Cinnamon Roll were both reading their books quietly, each book showing the difference in their personalities. Glazed Doughnut had opted for the choice of a psychological horror novel while Cinnamon Roll had a realistic fiction book about a boy around his age coming to terms with his sexuality. Vanilla Cream Puff sat next to Cinnamon Roll and quietly took peaks at the book and the boy while Cinnamon Roll was focused on reading.

Strawberry Jelly and Eggu Tartu were trying to ease their nerves from the situation. Even though the two were both social butterflies the unspoken tension and nervousness made it hard for even them to break the ice. Salted Caramel, on the other hand, was satisfied with the silence even if there was a little bit of tension. He had his earbuds in, watching cute animal videos on his phone.

A knock on the door caused everyone to tense up and go silent. They all quickly halted everything they were doing and stood up so they could bow to whoever was entering. The door opened to reveal the CEO of the agency, Park Jinyoung himself. All of them bowed politely and gave a unified "Hello."

Jinyoung went towards the center of the table and took a seat before setting a pile of papers on the table, "I'm sure you know why I called you all here." They all nodded quietly. "I would just like to remind you all that this is a survival show. Not all of you will debut and those who don't will have to honor that fact and work harder to better yourself." Weary looks were shared between the trainees in the room. They all wanted to debut but none of them wanted to be separated from their friends. "Now, since we've gotten over the serious part I want you to all read over your contract for the show." He passed the packet down the rows and allowed the kids time to review what the contract would state. 

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to review your contract please continue to the next page... 

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