Chapter 20

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Y'all gone hate me for this. 😩


It's been a month now since everything went down.

I was still shook by the results. After taking the test twice I had no choice but to believe it.

" Babe I freaking love this place" Olivia said as we walked around the L.A town home.

My L.A shop was finally coming into play.

So I started looking around for new living arrangements.

The town home we was in  now was pretty straight. It really showed the view of downtown Los Angles.

It also had a nice three bedroom with a master bedroom having double bathroom sink with a walk-in shower.

" how much" I ask the realtor.

" we are looking close to 2.5 million"

Damn this is a townhome or a actual house!?

" aight I'll  . . . I mean we will think about it"

" alrighty just let me know, you guys take care." she said walking out.

" baby you should get this one" she said smiling.

" ion know O this one is pretty pricey just for two people"

" if I'm gonna pay this price I better be having me a whole fa-"

I had to stop myself.

Just saying that word or seeing an actual one make me think about what I had.

Despite the results I missed him like hell.

" well we can practice on that tonight" she said kissing on my lips.

" yea we will see" I said smirking.

Afterwards we stop to grab something to eat.

I was on my phone scrolling through pictures seeing Mya.

She graduated from nursing school this morning.

Under the picture she captioned it "Finally did it"

There was another picture with my family there.

What the hell.

Just when I was about to text Dj, Olivia grabbed my phone instantly seeing the picture.

" Really Chai, you need to unfollow this scheming ass broad" she smacking her teeth.

I know that's exactly what she was doing on my phone.

" Ok chill out now"

" how can I ? When you still following her did you not forget what she tried to do to you . . . Just imagine if you found out later."

I was starting to get aggravated by her, she was truly starting to show how insecure she was.

Destiny nor the others didn't give me these many damn problems.

After the test results came back she been acting weird.

Shorty on a whole other level.

" look babe I'm sorry, it's just this girl is old news now  and I feel like it's hard for you to put her behind for some reason"

" I get what you saying, but this news was hard for me"

It was the truth, I wasn't expecting those results to turn out the way it did.

At this moment I wasn't hungry anymore and was ready to go to sleep.

I just want to forget about everything.

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