4. The Promotion

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There he was again, standing next to the stage of another event, waiting for the current speaker to finish his topic. This time the audience was way bigger, there were about 600 people.
His cool, calm and collected demeanor made me feel warm tingles in my body. It was fine, I already made my decision to stay away from him. I wasn't about to get caught up with a man who has a girlfriend. I told myself it's okay, there are a lot of handsome and intelligent people on our planet. That doesn't necessarily mean that you are meant to be with them. Fine people exist, just admire them from a far. No need to have everything we crave.. Let greatness be, and learn everything you can about business and having a positive entrepreneurial mindset.

The current speaker started edifying the Phoenix. He said things that made it clear that Phoenix was a leader. Not only did he break sales records in our city, but also the whole country. After that he broke records from  all of Europe and as he was standing on stage, he and his team had just broke the worldwide record. He made so much sales that he was able to retire his parents and motivated all his friends around him to build businesses. Mind you, I was 18 at the time and he wasn't even 25 yet. If that by itself wasn't something to admire, I don't know what is.

He was very calm while the crowd was uncontrollably applauding him as he walked on stage. As he arrived on stage the crowd went crazy, people stood up and gave him a standing ovation.
This time I wasn't sitting at the front where he could see me.

As soon as he started speaking he spoke about how grateful he was to be surrounded by amazing people. He started sharing some of his team members success stories. Then he went on and spoke about the importance of surrounding yourself with great-like minded people, being focused and having impeccable work ethic.
"Hard work will always beat talent". Those words really stuck to me. I knew I was talented, I knew I was likeable, I knew I was intelligent, I knew I had a pretty face and a bomb figure to go with that. What I also knew was that I lacked concentration and had the worst work ethic a person could possibly have. I dozed off and started thinking off all the people I saw on stage that day for their promotion. Many of them were just ordinary people with no special abilities other than building themselves up through great work ethic. I knew that if I would put in the work, I could be one of the best public speakers and sales representatives this company had ever seen before.

I came back to the present moment where the Phoenix was being promoted to the position of team coordinator. Not just any but, the world number one team coordinator which automatically made him a president's club member. Goshh if all of that wasn't enough to show how humble this young man was, then this would definitely have done it. He started sharing with us how amazing his girlfriend was.  He used the sweetest and most comforting words ever. He said that a man can only do so much, but with the right woman beside him he could take on everything this world throws at him. I thought what a beautiful person!

Yess, his penetrating eyes were intimidating. And his cool demeanor made it difficult to read him, but all I had seen up until now said a lot about him. I had always been attracted to the teacher/ leader of the pack type of guy.
He was everything I wanted and more. After his breath taking speech it confirmed to me that it was best to stay away from him. He is great, but apparently he also has a great relationship.
I would never want to be anybody's side piece. And besides people like him would definitely look down on people who settle for the side chick position in any way. He'd probably still be respectful, but deep down he would definitely loose respect.

Fuck what he thinks Nyala, is what I said to myself. What I think about me is more important than what anyone else thinks.
Stop thinking about a man who is in a committed relationship. Forget him, wasn't it obvious that he is very focused on his business and in a happy relationship? Move on, he was probably not even staring at you last time. He is just a great public speaker. Everybody probably felt like he was looking at them.
Drop the puppy eyes and grab your pen and notebook. Get inspired, write down great notes so you can go home and work on yourself and your business. Forget him completely!

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