Chapter 3

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Friday Morning...

Ughh, not again. I just woke up and I had fifteen minutes to get ready and dressed for school. I guess I overslept 'cause I was stressed. Stressed over school, stressed over my mom, just stressed over the whole entire world. Couldn't forget about the water bill, guess a cold shower it is today. Waking up my mom wasn't going to do anything, she couldn't just magically make hot water appear.

I literally ran to school, sad isn't. I was late as hell, and that meant an hour detention which was something I just can't deal with at the moment. Thirty minutes went by and I still wasn't there, then I burst into homeroom knocking down Rashad's books at the same time."Damn Jodie just chill, you always in a rush or something like that." said Rashad.

"Umm Rashad, my name's Ja-da, not Jo-die." I stuttered, I mean as scared as I was to talk to him, I did have to correct him.

"And I care because?" he laughed as he went to his friends, or should I say ass kissers. If only I could say that out loud. I walked over to Damien and Brandi, oh how I loved 'em so so much. "Jada my girl, ready for rollerskating today." said Brandi with such enthusiasm.

"Yeah guys about that, I can't make it today." Both of them in unison let out a big sigh. I felt like telling them why, but I didn't want them to know about my family's financial problems.

"Yo, forreal Jada, why's it always you bailing out. You free saturday or maybe at least next Friday." Damien said. Looks like I brought his mood right down.

"Don't be mad Damien, I don't always bail out. Ain't too sure about those days aswell by the way, so don't get ya hopes up."

"At least seem sorry or something." said Brandi whilst she rolled her eyes at me. That girl joke way too much.

"You know you love me!" I said whilst giving both of them big kisses on the cheek. Brandi pushed me off and we all started laughing. Then all I hear is Miss Parker clearing her nasty ass throat. "Sorry to break the bad news so early in the morning, but it looks like your staying with me for an hour after school Jada. Try to get to school earlier next week." she chuckled and shuffled right back to her seat. Maybe if she lightened up a little she might actually find a man, I'm just sayin'.


Friday Afternoon...

 "Can I leave now please?"

"Yes you can, but I don't wanna see you late to school three times in a week again, Miss Jada."

"Okay Miss Parker, I won't." I said.

Maybe Rashad was right about me always being in a rush, because I was rushing home right now. The annoying 'excuse me's' and 'sorry's' to every slow walker in my path just got me frustrated. Why do people always gotta walk slow when I got somewhere to be? I got home to see Joe sitting there, again. "What do you not get about about friday after school?" asked Joe whilst helping himself to a bag of chips.

"What do you mean, it's friday after school and I'm here aren't I?"

"Yeah, well school finished an hour ago."

"Whatever old man."

"You see now that rude ass of yours, gone get yourself in trouble someday, you better tell yo daughter Evelyn." I could only laugh at the words that came out of this man's mouth but my mom seemed a little shook up.

"I'm getting tired of standing around now so can we..."

"Oh yes we can go, right now, follow me." Joe voiced, all happy like we was going to disneyworld.

"I'm coming too!" My mom blurted out. She had that same facial expression from yesterday, like she was guilty of something. I mean I ain't mad that she coming, she can come if she want to, it's probably because she don't wanna leave me alone with a greasy dude like Joe. "You don't need to come." I saw Joe mouth to my mom. "Well I want to." she mouthed back. They could both see the concerned look on my face as there was an awkward silence when we got into his car.

"So Joe this is your car, it's pretty nice." I said breaking the silence.

"That's 'cause I work hard for my money, so that means I get a nice car." He bragged whilst leaning back in his seat a little further.

 "Does that mean I might get a car soon too?"

"Yeah sure." He replied, most likely not even listening to what I just said. "Looks like we here." Proudly announced Joe as he rubbed his hands together in excitement.

"Do you own this place?" I pressed to Joe. "Of course I own this place." Joe responded so sure of himself. We got inside...

"Haha, you know what's funny, this place kinda looks like a strip joint." I joked.

"Thats because it is."

"Huh?!" A strip club?


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