Part one

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My names Mollie I'm 17 years old I live in a small town in New Jersey. I go to my local school which is down the road so it's easy. I love my street my best mate Ethan lives next door and my boyfriend josh lives down the road.

My alarm woke me up on a bright Monday morning
'MOLLIE ARE YOU UP' my sister shouts
'Yeah' I said rubbing my eyes
I live with my sister my parents were in a crash years ago I don't even remember them that much but I still miss them.
'I said are you up' my sister said opening my door
'And I said yes' I said getting out of bed
She rolled her eyes and shut my door. I go to the bathroom and get in the shower. I put on my music and jam out after I've washed my hair and my body I get out and dry my hair. I straighten my hair and put on some jeans and a white top. I brush my teeth and then call Ethan.
'Yo' he said
'Hi' I say
'You ready' he asks
'Yep you' I ask getting my bag
'Yeah I'll meet you outside' he says ending it
I run down stairs and unlock the door
'Bye' i shout closing the door

'Ew what are you wearing' he said
'Wtf' is say
'Just kidding lol' He said
'Shut up we need to go past Josh's house' I say
'Ugh' he says
Ethan doesn't like josh he thinks he's not good for me
'Come on let me be happy' he says
'I am I just ughhhh' he said
'Look maybe if you guys hung out you could become friends' I say
'I'm okay' he says starting to walk
I roll my eyes and we walk

We get to Josh's house
'Hey babe' he says
'Hey' I smile trying not to cringe
I don't know what it is I just hate the word babe
'Hey Ethan' he says smiling
'Hey' he says very dry
He puts his arm around me and kisses me
'You coming mine after school' he asks
'Yeah I'm free' I said
'Good' he says kissing me again

We get to school and josh kisses me and goes to lesson
'You okay' I say to Ethan
'Hmm' he says
'Thought you were coming to mine tonight' he says
'Omg I completely forgot I'll let josh know' i say
'No it's fine go to his' he says
'No Ethan your my best friend so I'll come to yours like I promised' I said
'Okay' He smiled

I text josh and told him I promised Ethan that I would go to his, he text me back saying it was fine.

After school
I kissed josh bye and walk home with Ethan
'I'm going to go home and put my sweats on and come to yours' I said
'You so lazy' he said
'Shut up I love my grey sweats'

I got home and and got in to my grey sweats and walked Over to Ethans. When I got in I say grey and he was going out
'Hi' he said
'Hey' i said
'Nice sweats' he said
'Thanks' I smiled
'Your not going to be at yours tonight are you' he asked
'No?' I said
'Okay' he smiled running out

I walked in to Ethans room and I was extremely confused
'What?' He said
'I've never been more confused in my life' I said
'Well it's not hard but why' he said
'Your brother just asked if I was going to be at mine tonight' I said
'What a strange boy' he said

We put on a movie and just chilled out

After the movie
'I want food' I said
'Same' he said
'Wanna order something' I said
'Yep' he said
I ordered some Taco Bell
'Hmm delivery 30 mins Pick up 10 mins' I say looking at Ethan
'I'll go get it' he said getting out of bed
'Thank youuu' I smiled

Ethans pov
I got in the car and drove to Taco Bell. I picked up are order and drove home. As I drove past Josh's house I saw him come out with no shirt with a girl I slowed down and watched him he kissed the girl good and as she turned around it was that bitch Lily from are school. I always knew he was bad for Mollie. How am I going to tell her.

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