Part three

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I got out of bed and got ready. I did my make up and my hair I wanted to look really good so josh would see what he is missing.

I was getting ready and I go a message from him
'Hey babe still coming past mine today cx'
'Stop calling me babe I hate it.'
'Sorry baby you still comin x'
Baby's even worse

I left the house and met Ethan
'You okay' he asked
'Never better I've just not going to cry when I see him' I said taking a deep breath
'Okay good luck' he says

We walk til we are near Josh's house I see him come out and I already wanna cry, but I didn't
'Here' I said throwing the bag
'What's this' he asked
'Your jumper' I said
'What why' he said holding little peace's
'Because I know about you and lily' I said
'What?' He said acting confused
'Ethan drove past your house saw you too kiss' I said getting angry
'What and you believe him. Mollie when are you going to open your eyes and see his in love with you' he said
'Woah woah woah' Ethan said
'Don't act Ethan we all see it just tell her you made it up so you could get her all to your self' he said
'NO!' I shouted
'Don't you fucking dear say that Ethan the lair you're the lair I can't even believe you would try and say that because best friends come first' I said
'Fine you got me' he said
'Your a jerk' I said Walking away
'Oh and one more thing say sorry to lily for me' I said
'Why?' He questioned
'I just fell bad for her because let's be really you no really that good' I said walking away and not looking back.

We carried on walking and we where nearly at school
'You okay' Ethan asked
'Oh yeah that felt a lot better' I said smiling
'And is that true' he asked
'What?' I said
'The bed thing is he bad' he asked
'Oh yeah really bad he too nice I like a guy who is ruff' I said
'Okay..' Ethan said
'Anyway are you okay' I asked
'Yeah I'm fine' he smiled

School was okay the first two lessons then came break...
'Oh hey Mollie' I hear
'What do you want lily' I say
'Oh nothing I just wanna say how brave you are' she said
'Thank you?' I said confused
'And anyway now you and Ethan can come out as a couple now' she said
'OMG we are JUST Friends' I said
'Yeah but me and josh were just friends' she smirked
'Yeah but you and josh are whores' I said walking away

A few weeks later

I had fully got over josh. Him and lily are dating now how do I know? Cause every time they see me they start making out.
'Be careful don't swallow her' I said
'Sorry can't here you' lily said
I just carried on walking I give up at this point

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