Being watched

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I stretch. It's almost 11 pm. Time to check for crime. I put on a hoodie and mask. Don't want anyone to see my face just yet. I hide my 'just-in-case' knives in the hoodie sleeves. I walk out the door and stretch. Time to kick some ass. I walk down the street, not trying to be discreet. I stress my ears to hear any evidence of action. Thank god people in Japan stay indoors after ten. Not many interruptions are there for me. I pass an alleyway in which some shuffling can be heard. I climb up the fire escape quietly and walk to the edge of the roof.

Two men are down there cornering a woman. She looks frightened. I see a man rampaging through her purse for some loots. Guess i need to stop thieves. I jump down and form a crack in the ground. Fuck. Shouldn't have done that. Now the soles of my feet are hurting.

"Who the fuck are you? Go away, unless you wanna die." Pfft. So petty.

"Tell me have you actually killed someone before or is it your habit to declare unnecessary and untruthful things." I cock my head to the side. I can feel their circulations. Let's try not to kill them.

But you always wanted to kill someone didn't you, Morana?

But these are thieves Akari. They don't deserve to die. They just have to be punished for their crimes.

I dodge the man's punch as the other throws the bag aside and wears brass knuckles. Heh, This is going to be fun. I knee the first man in the stomach he hits the wall, creating a crater.

"Oh shit. Sorry. I forgot i had a strength quirk." I catch the punch of the second man. He looks shocked. I give a smile. I twist his arm. He twists his body to keep up. I punch him in the head and loosen my grip. He holds his bloody nose. I hit his neck sideways. He falls unconscicous. Anime is really amazing or it's probably just the quirk.

Nah, it's the anime.

Pfft. Probably.

I walk back to the frozen woman on the ground. I remove my hood and smile at her. She backs away against the wall.

"Hey, it's okay. I won't hurt you. Here." I offer her bag and pick up her stuff from the guy. She hesitantly takes her bag and makes a run for it. Well, that was weird. I shrug and move back to the guys from before. I shift them so that they are against the wall and bound them with the rope i made. I feel like someone is watching me and look around. I look up to see a dark figure looking down on and their hair and some cloth is flowing. I gasp. It's Aizawa. I squeal but think of the consequences. Fuck. I am not suppose to be out here. I need to escape but i also want to talk to him. I need to talk to Dadzawa.

I wave and see that the men are bound properly or not. I see some mark on their neck. Something like one or two but there are written weirdly.

It's not weird. I did that. It's our mark. If you see it closely, you can see a 'V' on them.

Akari. You could have asked me before. I sigh and look behind. Aizawa had bound me in his scarf. I smile. I am actually meeting a character. AAAAHHHH!!!

"Who are you and why are you looking so happy?"

"You are erasehead right? I am a huge fan of yours. I love you. You are so cool. I am Venarious. Nice to finally meet you. I have been dying to meet you. But i am sorry i have to cut our meeting short." His expression didn't change once. Classic Aizawa.

"Well, you are not going anywhere. From what i concluded, you are a vigilante and that is against the law. You look like a kid. How old are you and why are you here?" I hear sirens in the distance. Are you shitting me right now? This is my first night and i am already getting caught. Guess i need to make a run for it. Aizawa activates his quirk but sigh. He looks slightly confused now. Akari which quirk did he erase.

The most recent one. Electric creation.

"Really sorry about this. Hope to meet you again, Erasehead." I do the move Toga did in the Eri arc. He looks surprised but gets ready in slow motion. Heh. I love that quirk. I force my leg on his shoulder so he looses his iron grip. He cries out in pain. I look at him puzzled as i move out of his bindings. Fuck, i dislocated his shoulder. He takes out his knife, sirens getting closer by the second.

"Shit. I am so so so so sorry. I didn't mean to do that. I would help but i don't want to get caught on my first night. Bye!! Sorry again!!!" I run off. I run up the fire escape and jump off buildings till the sirens are far away. Phew.

"Well, that went well."

Did it now? Just so you know. Aizawa let you go. He could have easily caught you but let you go. I wonder if that's something to do with us being a kid.

Whatever the reason i am glad. I am already tired. I really need to work on my cardio.

You really do. You need to work on everything.

Hahaha. Thanks for the vote of confidence... Hey, i know you just rolled your eyes on me.

Wow. I did. I didn't know.

Am i that sarcastic?

Oh my gosh. You figured it out, Yay!!!

Yeah. I am that sarcastic.

I leap on a roof as i hear a scream. Already?! I run towards the source as stealthily as i can. Oh. I see a man hold a bloody knife in his hands, a fresh body at his feet. A murder?!


We get to kill someone.

Hey, guys. Yeah. I don't know what to say. I am sorry for the late update but on the brightly side regular weekly updates are gonna come.

Till then, stay tuned.

Lost in an another world. (Bnha x Vigilante OC)Where stories live. Discover now