Chapter Nine: Wolf Law

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I remember the day me, Jungkook, and Taehyung became 15, we were all born at the same time. It was our birthday and everyone in our entire pack was there. Cakes, balloons, and cheers. My mother and father were so happy. Then at the end of the day when we were cleaning up the aftermath of the party I couldn't see my father anywhere. So I went looking for him only to find him having a conversation with my older brothers. He was talking about the werewolf tryouts for tomorrow but that wasn't the weird part.

What was weird, was that he was giving his authority down the next day and was gonna leave. Do I know why? No, not at all. Usually it is the week after werewolf tryouts and then the family would choose to live in the pack or leave. But why the day of tryouts? I don't know? After that I went to sleep with that thought in my head and even cried that night.

Usually if they do leave then at least we would get a week to say goodbye but tomorrow was going to be the last day we were gonna see them. Werewolf law states that after the alpha puts down his crown they either leave the pack or just become known as elders in the pack and have no authority anymore. When I woke in the morning we had the sign up sheet to show who wants the job of alpha, of course I personally didn't think I had it in me. Plus I just turned 15. The people who actually sighed up was my brother Namjoon, Jin, and a couple other wolves in the pack including a wolf I used to know very well. Ronald. The tryouts included obstacle courses, extremely intense quizzes, and mathematical equations.

The role was finally decided for alpha and of course it was Namjoon. My parents then announced that they were leaving today and that Namjoon would be in charge of picking other roles for the pack. A lot of people were outraged. How could a person that everyone looked up to and were inspired by leave just like that with a boy who hadn't even finished all his levels of alpha training yet? Sure he made tryouts but he still didn't have training and we still didn't have a Luna, Beta, delta, or omega yet which is needed. In fact some people were so mad that they left the pack! They ended up joining other packs after they left.

Most joined a pack called the Manstrays alliance. Who knew that in the future they would be the pack that destroyed us all?  That's right.  It was only a year later when the Manstrays Alliance came to our grounds or boundary and decided to call war upon us.  Also that one friend I mentioned, that I knew so well, Ronald, when Namjoon was chosen as alpha he was outraged.  He left the pact as well.  And yeah, you guessed it.....he was the new alpha of the Manstrays Alliance.

When they attacked we only had a few members who were still following the new alpha, who still believed that my father's decision was the right one.  In the war though everyone died.  Not us of course, because the world is just so fucking cruel.  They faught to protect us and they believed in us, in my father, in Namjoon.  I still wonder till this day....what was my father thinking, did he know this was gonna happen?  Why did he leave?  All of those people died and along with it our spirits.

Namjoon even injured his left shoulder in that battle, still can barely move it till this day.  But that was a year ago and we moved far far away from where we used to live.  In a way it seemed like we were running away from our problems like cowards but how could we fight?  We have nothing.  Nothing.

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