Reanamation And Devastation

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My name is Kara Zor-El I'm from Krypton, And this Is My story. To make sense of it all we have to go back, back to the beginning.

I slowly walk to my pod, I'm scared but I don't want to be I look at my Mother And Father only seeing tears streaming down my Mother's face

" Kara, Look at me. Kara I love you must be the brave girl I always taught you to be, because of the earth's yellow planet you will have great powers on this planet. The path will be long but we will soon follow " Said My Mother

" Your Pod is linked to Kal-El's you will journey with him to earth " Said My Father his voice trembling with fear

" I'm not afraid father " I said despite the fact that I am

Explosions around me that's when my mother had built up the courage to say " You must go Now "

I walk into my pod ready to say goodbye to my home planet of the past 13 years, my friends, my family, my home, Gone.

My Pod Launches off and I launch off but My Parents lied, they did not follow.

Krypton's destruction sent a shockwave that knocked my pod off course and my pod entered the phantom zone a region in space where time doesn't pass.

I slept there for 24 years until my pod cut loose and my journey to earth began again

The phantom zone was relatively close to krypton, close enough to see my now dead planet, but it's just as I thought my entire planet was gone. my pod hit warp speed and soon my journey was completed I didn't know I thought this was just a dream I woke up in an icy tundra and i get out of my pod and I start wandering around, soon i was attacked by metal giants with a symbol on them a star with a variant of lines in them

Italics are in russian

" STOP IDENTIFY YOURSELF " Said one of the metal men in a strange language i've never heard of before

" What are you saying " I said In a trembling voice

" MEN ATTACK " Said the strange metal man

As their wires cover me to take me in the sun rises, my eyes start burning up and I blast them but I don't know how


October 8th 2015

" Yes I need to make sure mrs. Grant doesn't sit next to Bill O'riley Again. Hold Please " I Said Making An Important call about The Tribune " Hi I need two tickets in the orchestra section for wicked. No Not for mrs. Grant her Mother wants to see it, Yes again "

I Work For CatCo a Print empire built by my boss Cat Grant

Who would have known that in that night I would have become Supergirl the most powerful woman on the planet

January 29th 2016

" Supergirl saved the planet from a mass extinction event Across All life on earth " Said A News Reporter On A Tv In My Loft

As we all celebrated in my loft we hear a sonic boom to see an asteroid or so we thought little did I know that this would set off a chain of events, and that " Asteroid ", It Was A Pod Containing one person.

" That pod it's identical to mine "

In that pod contained the love of my life

Then I found out he was the Prince of Daxam rumored to be the most horrible person on the planet

" This Doesn't have to change anything Kara " said Mon-El the " love of my life "

" THIS CHANGES EVERYTHING, I thought you were just born on a cruel planet but no, you lead it " I Said Tears Streaming down my face " You need to go, its over "

Nothing Stopping us (Karamel) UNDER REWRITEDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora