Chapter 2 Problems

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Amber's POV

When we got to class Mrs. Harold was teaching litteracy.

"Hello Amber, Gwen, Riley and Dylan. So nice of you to join us. I will see you four at break." Said Mrs. Harold.

"Ugh. Fine but please don't call home." I eplained.

"We will see about that Amber Baily." Awnsered Mrs. Harold

I sat down at my desk beside Dylan. Riley and Gwen sit behind us. Jessica sits in front of us with Maddison beside her (of course). I tune out to what Mrs. Harold is saying. Riley is reading beneath her desk. (p.s. the four of us L.O.V.E to read.) Riley has long hazelnut hair, blue eyes (that sparkle like diamonds), freckles, average weight and is also 12. I came to this school 5 years ago. I Immediately became friends with Gwen, Riley, Jessica and Dylan. 1 hour later.... the bell rings. I get up and try to sneak out with the rest of the class.

"Miss. Baily i thought you didnt want a call home. Get in here now or to the office you will go." Explained Mrs. Harold. I am a trouble maker. My parents divorced when i was 8 and my dad took my sister and i w as s left with my mom. I have never seen my dad or sister since.

"Ugh. Fine but dont expect me to be on time tomorrow." I replied with anger.

"Okay but that means if you and your friends are late again none of you will go on the trip."said Mrs. Harold.  Right then i shut up and sat down. Jessica was in to because she didnt do homework. 

Riley's POV

Ugh. Sometimes i wish Amber would just obey the teacher. I care about her and sont like seeing her get in trouble. Jessica sat beside Amber now. Just a disaster waiting to happen. 

"Mrs. Harold.  I cant sit beside such a jerk. It makes me feel down." Said Jessica in a rude tone. Instead of Mrs.Harold answering  Amber does. Amber be quiet i say to myself.

"You know what Jessica why are you such a snob? How does Maddison handle you? Just shut up for once and stop being a freaking jerk." Amber yelled. The bell rang. Oh no not now.

Tyler runs into the class and totally confronts Jessica sayong she's a huge jerk. Then he dumps her. Okay okay. I did not just see what happened.

Amber's Pov.

AHHHHHH!!!! That did not just happen. Tyler just stood up for me dumped the most popular girl in school and.......... KISSED ME!!!!! Mrs. Harold sent Jessica, Tyler and me down to the office to fix our problems. 2 hours later.. Tyler and I walk out of the office hand in hand with Jessica pouting behind us. I am happy Jesssica is furious and that i have a boyfriend, but i am also sad because Tyler isn't allowed coming on the trip with me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2015 ⏰

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