March 20, 2020

17 3 0

dear you

i dreamt of you last night... and it was the best dream i've ever had in a long time. maybe because it had you in it, and you played a role in my dream.

i read somewhere, and i don't know exactly where, but i read an article that studies have shown that when you dream of someone, it is more likely that they're dreaming of you as well. and, if that's true, then maybe you were dreaming of me as well?

i don't know, i hope that's the case. that'd be really sweet if it was true. but i don't really think it is, those studies weren't definite and 100% true... so i don't want to believe it. i guess i'm glad i dreamt of you, that'll be the last memory i have of you for quite a while. there's a rumor that they might just even cancel school where we live, and if that's true, i might never see you again.

my dad got a new job, and it requires us to move. so i may not see you...ever. but maybe it's for the best. maybe moving away from you will cause my feelings to move away from you as well. we both know that would be for the best. 

yours truly, 

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