Chapter 2: I'll Write You A Tragedy

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Chapter 2: I'll write you a tragedy

"Hey jelly bean." Dad said, sitting on the edge of my bed. I ignored his voice at first, hoping he would leave so I wouldn't have to put on the brave face that I had worn all day.

He was late coming home again and I knew how hard it was on my mom - how hard it was for her with him being gone so much. I heard the whispers from my grandparents about why he was home less and less.

Her name was Hanna.

At the age of fifteen, I can honestly say there wasn't anybody that I truly hated but god, did I hate Hanna. I hated her with everything I had.

"I know you're not asleep, Daisy."

"Where have you been?" I whispered even though deep down, I knew exactly where he had been the past few days.

I always thought that he had his suspicions that I knew about the affair but he lied to me every time I asked where he had disappeared to.

"Work." He told me and I scoffed, surprising both of us.

"Was Hanna at work with you?" I snapped and without even looking at him, I knew how angry he was. I could almost feel the tension radiating off his body and I held my breath, waiting for his next move.

I expected him to yell, shout, and maybe storm out but he had just heaved a sigh.

"There are things you're too young to understand-" He began to say but I had cut him off.

"Can you leave?" I whispered, surprised when he did. I listened to his foot steps as he walked away and before closing my door all the way, he sighed.

"I love you, jelly bean." He said but I ignored him, waiting until I knew he was long gone before letting out the sobs I was holding in.

That was the last time I ever mentioned Hanna's name.

. . .

I wake up to someone shaking my shoulders and whispering my name over and over again. I bolt upright, grabbing on to the first thing my hand touches but pull away the second I realize it's Tyler's arm.

"I'm sorry." I whisper, trying to calm my breathing. He slowly reaches out as if he's approaching a wild animal and sighs in relief when I don't pull away from his touch as I so often do after waking from a nightmare. I suffered from them at a young age but as I grew older, they stopped. For some reason however, they started again while I was pregnant with Hunter and they didn't go away even after he was born.

"You don't have to apologize." He says, gently rubbing circles on my back. Part of me wants and craves his touch but another part feels like I don't deserve it after waking him so often.

"I woke you."

"It's six-thirty, love. I've been awake for half an hour now." He says and I let him pull me closer to him, feeling a bit better that I didn't wake him.

"What was the dream about?" He asks quietly but I shake my head, not wanting to think about it. I just want him to drop it but he doesn't.

"It was about your dad, wasn't it?"

Love, Clara / Tyler SeguinWhere stories live. Discover now