Greater Feelings/Secrets

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Hey Everyone!
We are so sorry. We know it has been over a year since we updated, we are just way to busy! If you guys want us to write more then leave a comment telling us so. And now, enjoy chapter 3.


I laid in my bed for hours, thinking of her, how cute she was, her shyness, and best of all the fact that she wasn't a creepy stalker fan. However as much as I wanted to text her Haz's words kept coming back to me. I knew it was true that everyone would judge me for dating a nobody but she wasn't a nobody to me. She was a super sweet and nice person. The other thing that I kept remembering was that she said she had a boyfriend. Was it serious? Could she ever like me? I thought about her for hours until I finally fell asleep in my bed.

When I woke up the next morning all I wanted to do was text her but I had to show some restraint. I managed to stay away for a few hours until I sent her a text.

Tom: Hey, I was wondering if you would want to grab some food again today.

Hannah: This is Jackson, I'm Hannah's boyfriend. Leave her alone or else....

Tom: Oh sorry man. My bad.

Phone: Unable to Deliver Message

I tried again but I got the same automated response. I couldn't figure out why it was until I realized he had blocked me. Now a sane person probably would have left it alone at this point but I couldn't do that and I spent the rest of the day wondering how I could possibly message her again.

I decided that I would go for a walk with Tessa while I thought how I could do it.

I came up with three basic options. I couldText her from someone else's phone and say it was me, I could just let it be, or I could get one of those text apps that let me have a different number. I elected on the third option. I pulled out my phone and ignored all the messages and notifications on the screen and quickly went to the App Store. As I went to find a app to download I bumped into someone. To my surprise it was her.

"Oh my god Hannah I am so sorry" I said.

"It's okay", she replied "we just have to stop meeting like this".

"Yeah haha".

"Why didn't you respond to me", she asked.

"What? I didn't get any messages", I told her.

"Yeah, I responded to you and told you I would love to go get some food".

"Well I didn't get it. Probably because your boyfriend blocked me"

"What? I had know idea he did that", Hannah said. "I'm going to go unblock you right now".

"Thanks. So do you want to go grab some food right now? I'm meeting my friend for lunch but your welcome to join us".

"No that's okay. I'd love to do something tomorrow but today Jackson is making me come watch him and his friends play basketball".

"Oh I'm sorry. That sucks. Well text me and we can work it out".

"Yeah. See you then".

We started walking away from each other when I realized how hot I felt and how nervous I had been. "This was bad", I thought to myself "I need to get over her".


After dropping Tessa at home I went to meet my friend Will for lunch. Will was 18 years old but we had been great friends despite the age difference. Our mothers had attended college together and became great friends. They were such great friends that my godmother was Will's mother and Will's godmother was my mom.

Will and I had actually had a relationship for 2 months before the press almost found out and we realized it would be best if we just stayed friends because the press would freak out if they knew I was bisexual. Ever since we had stayed great friends and our romantic feelings drifted from there. Well I guess that's wrong, his romantic feelings had drifted away, I still liked him a lot just not as much as I used to. I never would act on it but there would always be something there for him in my heart.

I sat down at our usual table and he was already sitting there.

He immediately said "alright, so who's the girl".

"How do you know there's a girl"? I asked.

"Come on man, I know you". He said, "also your brother told me".

That's another thing about him, he was dating my younger brother Harry who's gay (this has been reported that he is gay and Tom is bisexual. Most people thing they are rumors but there are some photos that indicate it).

"haha" I said, "but fine. There is a girl".

"Yeah... I know. But who is she?"

"She just this random girl I met".

"So she's just a random person? Why do you like her so much?"

"Probably because she is just a random person. Not someone who obsessed with the movie version of me or wants me for my fame. She doesn't even know who I am" I explained.

"Well that's good I guess. But you know that eve- - -" he started.

"- - - body will judge me. I know I know I've heard that already" I said.

"So what are you going to do?" He asked.

"I'll probably just text her and see where it goes. The only problem is that she has a boyfriend".

"Oooh. That sucks man. Well good luck. I have to get going".

"Thanks man. And yeah see you".

So I hope you guys liked this chapter! It's a little strange but we were trying to give context into our version of Toms life. We also wanted two separate romantic chains and we wanted to support the LGBTQ+ community so we made two of the main characters (Harry and Will) be part of that community.

If you guys liked this than please share and vote!

Another part will be coming later this week!

- GC and Will

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2020 ⏰

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