How my Spring break went

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First, Me and my family friends (But we call each other cousins.) had to DRIVE to FLORDIA! Which meant we woke up at 5AM! That lasted to days. Then, we got on the Cruise, which was in Folrdia. The Cruise then toke us to the Bamhamas, so we went to the beach,(Even got my hair braided with in it too.) but the sun cooked us alive, aka, being sunburnt. So, the Cruise and Bamhamas toke 3 days. Then we drove back to Texas, which toke 4 days, since we toke longer stops. (We also toke breaks during the drive to Folrdia.)

If I had to rate my Spring break on a scale of 1 to 5, it would be a 4. Because, it was SUPER fun, but when you spend a week with the same people nonstop, it can get crazy. (And also, mostly if one cousin hates your guts and is a pain in the butt, and your scared of him, and the other loves your guts and won't let you be alone.)

In chapter before, I asked about y'all's Spring break, you can also answer here too.

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2020 ⏰

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