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Sanrina FUCK! I woke up late agin, I brushed my teeth found something to wear and did my hair. I went downstairs to find my sister watching tv. " Why the hell didn't you wake me up?" I said. Well it's not my fault, she chucked and continued to watch tv. I went to go get in my car, on the way to school I stoped at MicDonalds.

I arrived at school like always and continued my day. It's 3:58 and I'm on the way home, I stopped at my local gas station to get some gas and some Takis. Tell me why this man asked for my number... NIGGA IF YOU DONT TAKE YO ASS ON SOMEWHERE.

I GLADLY mugged at that nigga and left. I was at home and it was 4:47, I didn't see my sisters car in the driveway so I though she was at her friends house or something. I answered the door to this fine ass nigga. "Is your sister home?" He said, no I said softly.

He said " well can I come in?" And my dumb ass said yea. We sat on the couch, and I said " I hope you know you woke my up out my sleep!" My bad, he said and chucked. I was watching tv and I felt him glaring at me so I said, you staring at who? He ain't say nun.

I asked him how old he was and he said that he was 16 about to turn 17 on April 29. I was oh okay. Then he asked how old I was and looked me up and down. I said "16" I asked him how and why he knew my sister and this nigga said say out of grown folks business. I mugged at his and said you don't know me and he said " it don't matter you don't know me neither."

It's was an awkward silence until I told him I was gonna go take an shower. When I got out I didn't have but an tee with no bra and some shorts. He was staring at me till I sat down and I said why you keep staring at me, and he said " why is you dressed like that."  And I mugged at him and said THIS is MY house and I live here.

He pushed me back... and started kissing me I pushed him off but he came right back and I couldn't refuse. That's when I heard an knock at the door and it was my sister. When she got here she was soaked and said it was raining hard outside. At this moment she has been gone for 2 hours. Like the fuck. I mugged at her and asked her where she gon too.

She said it was non of my business but I begged her to tell me. She changed the subject when she saw Jacari sitting on the couch. She asked why he was here and he said she KNOW why he was here. She looked at me and said " DONT EVEN KNOW HIM WHY YOU LET HIM IN."
I paused for a second and mugged at her, well it's not my fault your nigga came knocking at our door. Maybe if you would had been here you could had answered it. I went in my room and slammed the door.

I sat on my bed and pulled out my laptop and did my homework. I said to myself, " nigga's ain't shit" I fell asleep but mind you it was Friday, 14, 2020.

The next day, I woke up mad ass hell. "WHo IN THE LIVING HELL ATE MY FUCKING HOT WINGS!" I screamed. My sister looked at me and said Jacari are them cause he was hungry. BITCH, I grabbed my gun and bright it to his head. Why did you ear my hot wings dumb ass nigga.

He told me that if I wanted to shoot him I could had been shot him. I put the gun down grabbed my keys and went to go buy me some food. Before I pulled off he asked could he ride.
I said FUCK NO.

Then he said he would pay for my food. I ain't broke but okay. He hoped in and we went to the wing spot. I bought me and whole case of wings. 😋

I was happy that I had my food. "you happy now?" yes nigga I chucked, but if you eat my shit again without replacing it Ima shoot you. on my mama. " he chucked" you think I'm playing? Ye you could never shoot me I'm thanos. He said. NIGGA SHUT YO DUMB ASS UP. I bussed out laughing.

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