6.| Behind Closed Doors

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| Warning this might trigger some people |
| Contains abuse and self harm |

I didn't move, didn't say anything, just stood there with no emotion.

"Answer me bitch!" He demanded while pinning me to the wall between the entrance and kitchen.

He gripped my arms and squeezed them.

"Ow, stop. Please..." I whispered in pain.

"Tell me why the fuck you didn't come home last night." The tone in his voice was lethal.

"I told you, I had an asthma-"


"That's no fuckin excuse Renae!"

"Then what do you want me to say..."

He didn't respond at first. Then I saw the anger in his eyes grow. He pushed me to the floor then kicked me in the ribs.

"You're such a dumb bitch! Because of you I'm late for work now!" He yelled.

I didn't respond, I just held onto my now bruised ribs. He left and slammed the front door, which made my headache worse. Grabbing onto to the kitchen island, trying to get up, I failed and fell back to the floor. I leaned against the wall and cried to myself.

My life fucking sucks, and there's nothing I can do about it. I couldn't tell anyone about it either or he would kill me. Doesn't even matter, there's no point in me being alive.

After a good 15 minutes of just sitting there, I finally got up. It hurt like hell, but I couldn't just stay on the floor. I managed to get upstairs to my room and collapsed on my bed. I just wanted to relax and be in silence, but of course that had to be interrupted by someone texting me. I got my phone out of my purse and check who it was.

Elijah💕: *article* Eminem and D12 with New Mystery Female Friends.

*article* Eminem Spotted Carrying A Woman After A Party.

*article* Does Eminem Have A New Girlfriend?

Bitch what the fuck is this?! 😡

Fuck now he knows I thought. I didn't know what to say, but I had to come up with something fast. He hated being left on delivered...

Renae: It's nothing we're just friends.

Elijah💕: That's not what it fuckin looks like. Why the hell is he carrying u?!

Renae: how many fuckin times do I have to tell u I had an asthma attack?!!

Elijah💕: I don't fuckin care! Nd don't curse at me. I'm gonna kill u when I get back!

I felt sick to my stomach. Yea, he's threatened that many times before, but this time was different. He was being jealous and he was already mad at me from before. I was emotionally done with all of this shit. I threw my phone and purse across the room, luckily my phone landed on my beanbag, but my purse hit the window and all my shit came out. All I could do was cry. I cried for 30 minutes until I had no tears left. I went into the bathroom and went through my drawers to find a blade.

I dragged it across my right arm and watched the blood drip. I felt so broken, so unwanted. I pushed it in deeper, but then my phone started to ring. I quickly rinsed off the blood and put a paper towel over my arm. I grabbed my phone and looked at the caller ID, Unknown.

Who the fuck is this? "Hello?" I sniffled.

"Yea, hey Ri. It's me, Marshall."

"Oh, how did you get my number?"

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