monday chapeter one

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Star Pov.
Get up you stupied mistake kid my father yells o-key i say i am s scared of my father i walk down the stairs and he kicks me down the stairs and whips me with his belt and punches me and throws me into the wall and breaks my ribs and he say go get ready you ugly mistake of kid oh and go kill yourself fat ass he says i start to tear up what did i do to him i miss my mom and brother and sister

I grab my ipod and phone headphones and run out the door hold my ribs as i run to school i plug my headphone into my ipod and play broken home by 5sos . I love 5sos i listen to them very day i follow them on social media they help me get though my sad unhappy life . Let me tell you what happen when iwas 5 years old on my birthday well it all started on December 24th thats my birthday later that night my mom was singing happy birthday to me with my big brother and sister when my father came in and shot my mom infort of me my brother and sister run me up stairs and hid me from him and my kissed my forehead and my sister kissed my nose and said l love you and i was crying and thats when my dad shot my brother and sister in the chest and he find me and know he blames me for this he abuseses me and straves me he raped me twice when iwas 7 and when i was14 i tryed to push him off but he was to strong for me i cryed and throw up some much that iwas hopeing that iwas dieing but here i am why i dont someone tell me i am alive because i dont want be.

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