monday : at school

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I walk to the door when i see jason the bad boy of the school with all the girls round him .i have a crush on him but he would not like a broken ugly wrothless girl like me who has tryed to end her life one to many times and gets abuse uh no i would not want if i was a guy i would puke i wish i was like the other girls i wish some one loved maybe when i am better off dead but they dont love when i am a live i wish i could met 5sos and tell them thank you for helping me for many years i wish icould tell jason i love him.
Instead i am just the shy quiet nobody my brother used to call me brave for many reasons but he is gone and i am not brave i have selfharm scars i still cut  ever day no one
Would care right i mean i know that jason is the leader of a gang or something like that  the bad part is that i have  first 3rd and 5th hour at high school i sit right next to him in first period  and then we go to lunch but i dont eat i get a bottle of water thats because my  father won't give me any money for food i have enough to get water

Jasonpov. I Wonder how star is she has not talked or even looked up one time . wait i can't get to attached to her  because she could get hurt i dont want that i need to go collect my money from my client mason  and if he does not have my money yet i will have to take something of his or kill him  i know that star knows about me being the mafia gang leader  i don't know hiw she found out but i am going to make sure i nor her get hurt i mean i won't because i have my gun on me 24/7  i will  meant  i do ever much care and love her but i need to protect her at ever cost i know some thing is wrong but i dont know what when i get back to the gang house i am going to do research on her

(After school.)

Stars pov . I need  to get home now  before my f-father gets  home oh no jason just stopped me  .hey how are you he asked  i-i-i am fine i say  b-but i need to get home i say s-see y-y-you tomorrow  I ran really  fast  to get home  but my dad was  was almost  home but luckily  I got home and cleaned  cooked    I hope I don't  get hit  but I more likely get hit or beaten  better  be prepared  for what's coming  I wish  I could  tell but then  my dad will kill  me and I don't  want  anyone  hurt because of me  I miss my mom , sister  and brother  it should have  been  me not them and  mr.  Mason walks through  the house ( her dad)  

Mason  her father).pov   great  I have to get home the mistake  of a child   I should  have killed  her to  but wouald  not get money  ugh why   I should  have hurt  her more I didn't  want that Child    I walk through  the door  and see  that child  is here  she can't  do anything  right   she is so much trouble  because  she is a mistake  I am  even  going  to  make her get a job to get the hell away  for me she  is  a curse.   I have so new beaten  for her  evil laugh  in his mind she just doesn't know  what  is going  to happen

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