Life is Just Shit

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My name is Jamisbel my life is fucked up when I was a kid everything was good and nice but when we start growing life is shit.

When I was 8 my parents found out I was epileptic my brother used to be epileptic too they were sad about it but there wasn't a thing they could do right since then I being taking mediación i hate it.

Every time I'm sad I started why I'm alive why I'm worth it?? I don't  think so but I still doing the best I can right I try to kill myself like 3 to 4 times but every time I try they come back my thoughts about them my family, friends everyone I know.

Why is has to be this way pls tell my god cuz I don't get it every time when I think I'm ready to leave they just show up. It isn't like my life is bad my parents are really good to me and love me but it's just me I'm the one that is broken.

When u think why u can't be different is just shit it I'm like god why. They said before I was better sweet and lovely now I'm a bitch all I have to say is sorry but I try to change but is not that easy.

For me people sometimes are to annoyed and  I can't deal with them yes I'm not humble I just don't care about other people and I still don't understand why should I is not like they know me and care for me either right.

He think I talk like a suicidal yeah my dad he thinks that I talk like a suicidal cuz I don't fear death why should I at the end everyone is gonna die isn't it better to live  without caring what's gonna happen tomorrow if because I think that way I'm suicidal then I am because the pure true just live ur life without fear about what could happen and live like u could die any second of your life.

That the end for the moment.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2020 ⏰

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