Zelene the Cleanser

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Zelene the Cleanser

    Filthy, peasant, useless, weak, disgusting. A disgrace and a wretched daughter. I looked up to the grey London sky and realized how much I hated this world and how much I hated him. It wasn’t fair, why did it have to happen to me? I didn’t do anything, but hecame and ruined everything. The only thing I was brought into this world to do, get married and have children, was taken away from me. Father couldn’t even look in my direction without a disappointed frown across his face.


Three Years Earlier

    Mother and father were away on business to get more furs and supplies for the hats. They left me to care for the shop while they were gone. I had done this many times before and wasn’t too worried about it. It was around closing time and I was about to close up the shop when a young man gallantly entered the shop. He gazed around the room until his soft brown eyes landed on my frail body.

“You have quite the timing. I was just about to close up.” I said with a smile.

While he reached and turned the open sign to Closed his soft eyes became dark,

“Oh is that so?”

He then locked the door and started to stalk towards me. My smile disappeared,

“What are you doing?”

He easily overpowered me.


    Without realizing it I had wandered from the fishery and traveled what looked to be about three blocks. I knew the neighborhood well because it was mine. I could see my house and our little hat shop. What was once a safe haven for me was now a pit of darkness. I tried to be out and about most of the time, but sometimes I couldn’t avoid the walls of that damn house.

    As I reluctantly walked towards my house I heard a SLAP! I turned to find the source of the sound was from the baker and his wife. I looked in shock as the wife was on the ground with her hand to her cheek while the husband towered above her, yelling. Before I knew what was happening I was in the bakery and my fingers found a knife. I plunged the knife into his sternum and I heard a scream behind me. His crimson blood felt warm against my skin and I couldn't help but giggle. I stabbed him over and over again. I couldn't control this burning hatred for the male species. They were scum and deserved to be punished.

Then I snapped out of that red zone and realized where I was and what I did. I bolted out of the bakery and ran until I found a dark alley. I collapsed to the grimy alley floor and suddenly it started to rain. I stared at my hands as the blood streamed down to the floor and puddled around my knees. Again I started to giggle, but this time it turned into bellowing laughter. Then something clicked in my mind.

“I shall cleanse this city of the filth and distaste.“

    Several months passed and my list of victims was anything but little. The local police were aware of the deaths, but they had no idea who was behind them. They said to stay indoors at night and to lock all doors and windows, but what they didn’t know is that I cleaned up messes whenever I saw fit. My last mess I had to clean was two nights ago in an alleyway and he screamed, oh boy did he scream. His blood was wonderfully thick and I was smiling the entire time. I used a rusty pipe to hit him on the back of the head, then I continued to use an old nail to pierce his hands. To finish him off I plunged the nails into his eye sockets and continued to bash his head in with the pipe.

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