Fantasy Entries

546 20 5

Judge: WriterSaige

1. The Demon's Clockwork by bbyraspberry

2. Calcifer by Ouryoaie

3. Enchanted Mirror by Leahberry4ever

4. The Beast Within by @PrincessPlatinum

Judge: tale_a_grammer

1. REBELS by Hassina_G
2. The Mission by KavyaAgnihotri (mature)
3. Sparkling Lake by LheaRyder (mature)
4. Demon Cry by @Nincental
5. Clan of guardians by wangtaili

Judge: samaishaali

1. Hunted by cherry0708 (explicit cursing)
2. Devil and his Angel by AranyaAgnihotri (LGBTQ)
3. Lan Zhan's Untameable by @eroticfictionauthor (LGBTQ)
4. Deathshot by Lizzibae (mature)
5. The Gazelle(Repunzel retelling) by KaraCarreira (mature)
6. Drake Goldwing - Tomb of the Queen by GenoGlitch_01 (LGBTQ)

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